

词汇 beginning
释义 be.gin.ning[bɪ`gɪnɪŋ; biˈɡiniŋ]可数名词
1 开始; 开头, 起初
(←→ end)
at the ~ of May [the term]在五月 [学期] 初
from the ~从开头 [自始]
from ~ to end从头到尾 [自始至终]
at [in] the ~最初, 首先
since the ~ of things [time]自从盘古开天以来
make a ~著手; [为…]开一个头[for]
That night was the ~ of a lifelong friendship.那天晚上终生的友谊开始确立了 [播下了终生友谊的种子]
Everything has a ~.(谚)凡事都有开端
2 [常 ~s]初期, 摇篮 [萌芽] 阶段, 幼小时
the ~s of English literature英国文学的萌芽时期
rise from humble [modest] ~s从寒微发迹
3 起源, 根源
Nobody knows what the ~ of his trouble was.没人知道他忧虑的原因是什么
the beginning of the end最终结果的前兆
1 初期的, 最初的
2 基础的, 供初学者使用的
a ~ dictionary初级辞典
3 无经验的, 生手的
a ~ salesman无经验的推销员




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