

词汇 begin
释义 be.gin[bɪ`gɪn; biˈɡin](be.gan[-`gn; -'n]; be.gun[-`gn; -'n]; be.gin.ning)及物动词
1 开始
a. 开始, 著手< 工作等>
Let's ~ our work.我们开始工作吧
I have just begun this story book.我刚著手 [开始读, 开始写] 这本故事书
He began his career as an apprentice.他以当学徒开始他的职业生涯
Well begun is half done.(谚)好的开始是成功的一半
b. 开始…[with, by]
He began his lecture with a joke [by cracking a joke].他用一则笑话开始他的演说
c. 开始
It has begun to rain.开始下雨
I am beginning to remember it.我开始想起来了
He began walking along the sidewalk.他开始沿人行道步行
2 决 (不) 可能
I can't ~ to tell you how much I appreciate this.我真不知道说什么好来感谢你此番好意
1 a. 开始
Has the meeting begun yet?.会议已经开始了吗?
b. [在[从]…时、日、月 (等) ] 开始 [at, on, in]
School ~s at eight o'clock [on Monday, in April].学校在八时 [从星期一, 从四月] 开始
c. (顺序上) 开始[with]
The concert began with a piano solo.音乐会以钢琴独奏曲拉开序幕
2 a. 开始做, 著手; 开始从事 (新工作)
b. [从某地方] 开始[at]
Let's ~ at page seven [at the beginning].让我们从第七页 [从头] 开始
c. 开始 (说) [with, by]
He began with a joke [by scolding us].他一开始先说笑话 [骂我们]
d. 开始, 著手[…][on, upon]
He began on a new book.他著手 [开始读, 开始写] 新书
e. (顺序上) [从…]开始[with]
Let's ~ with a simple subject.我们从简单的题目开始吧
to begin with
(1) [通常用于句首当独立片语用] (逐一说明理由时等) 首先第一点
To ~ with, I'll tell you about this TV program.首先我想跟你谈谈这个电视节目
(2) 最初, 起初
They had lots of supplies to ~ with, but soon ran out of them.最初他们的补给品相当充裕, 但没多久就用尽了




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