

词汇 sign
释义 sign[saɪn; sain]可数名词
1 (数学、音乐等的) 符号, 记号
the negative [minus] ~负符号 [-]
the positive [plus] ~正符号
2 a. 信号, 暗号; 手势, 姿势
(→signal【同义字】)→ call sign
A red flag is a ~ of danger.红旗是危险的信号
make the ~ of the cross用手画十字
b. 信号, 暗号; 姿势
make a ~ to walk做出步行的手势 [示意步行]
c. [对某人发出做…的] 信号, 暗号, 姿势
She made a ~ for me to approach her.她对我发出靠近她的暗号 [她示意我靠近她]
d. 信号, 暗号; 姿势
She made a ~ that I (should) approach.她以动作示意我靠过去
3 a. 标志, 告示, 牌示
a road [traffic] ~道路 [交通] 标志
a safety ~安全驾驶标志
b. 招牌 (signboard)c. 暗语, 秘语
a ~ and countersign黑话, 行话; 隐语(如说“山”则回说“河”等)
4 a. 显现, 徵兆, 预兆, 迹象[of]
the ~s of the times时光的徵兆, 动向, 时势
The robin is a ~ of spring.知更鸟是春天来临的徵兆
b. 徵兆, 表示
Yawning is a ~ that you are sleepy or tired.打呵欠表示你困了或是累了
5 形迹, 痕迹[of]
There are no ~s of human habitation.没有人住过的痕迹
He looked at me with no ~ of anger.他注视著我, 没有一点生气的样子
6‘圣经’神力, 神威的象徵, 神谕, 神迹
pray for a ~祈求神迹 (的出现)
seek a ~寻求奇迹
~s and wonders奇迹
(黄道十二宫之一; →zodiac)及物动词A
1 a. 签名于…, 在…处写名字盖章
~ a letter在信上签名
~ a treaty签署条约
b. 写 < 名字> [于…][on, to]
~ one's name on [to] a check在支票上签名
2 签名把 < 权利、财产等> 处理 [让渡] [给…] < away, over> [to]
He ~ed away [over] his rights in the invention.他签名让渡了此一发明的权利
3 签约雇用 < 选手等> < on, up>
~ a new player签约雇用新选手
The team ~ed on ten more players yesterday.该队昨天又签约雇用了十名选手
1 打暗号, 发信号
a. 以手势 表示
He ~ed his assent.他做手势表示同意
b. 以手势 示意< 某人> < 做…>
He ~ed them to get out of the hotel.他做手势要他们离开旅馆
c. 做…手势, 打信号表示…
He ~ed that he was ready to start.他打信号表示已准备好动身
2 表示; 成为…的前兆 [预兆]
1 a. 签名, 签章
refuse to ~拒绝签名
Please ~ here.请在这里签名
b. 签名接受[…][for]
~ for delivered goods签名收下送达的货物
2 a. 签字受雇, 签约就业 < on, up>
He ~ed for three years.他签了三年的 (受雇) 合约
He ~ed on at the factory [as a welder].他签约在该工厂工作
b. 签约受雇[为…] < on, up>
She ~ed (up) to be a model.她签约受雇为模特儿
1 a. [对某人]做手势, 打信号< 做…> [for, to]
He ~ed to me to open the window.他做手势要我开窗
The patrolman ~ed for them to halt.巡逻警察做手势要他们停下
b. 使用动作语言 [手语]
2 立标志 sign in(1) 签名报到
(2) 签名记录< 某人> 的到达 sign off
(1)‘广播.电视’ (以音乐等) 宣布广播的结束, 收播
(2)(口语)签名写完信函 sign on
(1) → v.i. 2
(2)‘广播.电视’ (以音乐等) 告知广播的开始, 开播
(←→ sign off) sign out
(1) 签名记录外出
(←→ sign in)
(2) 签名带出< 书籍等>




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