

词汇 sure
释义 sure[ʃʊr; ʃuə, ʃɔ:]形容词(sur.er; -est)
1 (无比较级、最高级)确信的, 深信的, 有把握的
【字源】sure 一字源自拉丁文, 原义为“无忧虑的” secure (安全的) 也是同字源的字. 由“无忧虑的”逐渐转变为“确信的”, “确实的”, “安全的”等意思
【同义字】 sure 依据主观上、直觉上的判断 certain 根据客观事实、证据的判断
a. < 人> 确定的, 确信的, 有把握的
I think he will agree, but I am not ~.我想他会同意, 但我没有把握
" Are you ~ ?" - " I'm quite ~." .“你确定吗?”“我十分确定”
b. < 人> 确信[…]的, [对…]有自信的[of, about]
He is ~ of his success.他确信自己会成功
Are you quite ~ about the number?.关于那数字你十分确定吗?
c. < 人> 确信< …事>
He is ~ that he will succeed.他确信自己会成功
The general was ~ (that) he could defeat the enemy.那位将军确信他能打败敌人
I'm ~ I don't know.我确实不知道
d. [I'm ~; 与主要子句并列或当插入语用] (口语)我确信…
That man there is her brother, I'm ~.我确信在那里的那个人是她的哥哥[弟弟]
e. 确定…
None of the doctors were ~ what the trouble was.没有医生能断定那是什么病
I'm not ~ where to put the key.我不能确定钥匙要放在何处
Are you quite ~ what it is?.你能十分确定那是什么吗?
2 (无比较级、最高级)
a. 一定< 会…> 的, 必定的
He is ~ to succeed.他一定会成功
The weather is ~ to be wet.天气一定转为多雨
Be ~ to close the windows.一定要把窗子关好
b. 必可获得[…]的[of]
At that hotel you're ~ of a good dinner.在那家饭店你一定可享受到美食
He is ~ of success.他必可获得成功
(cf. 1 b)
3 确实的, 安全的, 稳妥的, 可信赖的, 靠得住的
a ~ messenger确实可靠的使者
~ proof确实的证据
→sure thing
There is only one ~ way to success.可靠的成功之路只有一条
be sure and do
Be ~ and remember what I told you.务必记住我告诉你的话
be[feel]sure of oneself
(1) 有自信心
I'm never ~ of myself among so many people.在许多人当中, 我对自己毫无信心
for sure
(1) 确定地, 确实地, 一定
I saw it for ~.我确实看到它
We don't know for ~ that he has resigned.我们并不确实知道他已辞职
(2) 确实的, 必然的, 当然的
That's for ~.那是确定的; 那当然
make sure
(1) 确定, 查明, 弄清楚[…][of]
make ~ of a fact查明一件事实
(2) 确定< …事>
I telephoned to make ~ that he was coming.我打电话弄清楚他要来的事
(3) 弄清楚< 是否…>
You'd better make ~ whether there's a performance that day [whether [if] he's coming or not].你最好弄清楚那天是否有公演 [他是否要来]
(4) 预先保留[…][of]
Make ~ of two seats.预先保留两人的座位
(5) 安排一定< 要做…>
Make ~ (that) you get there ten minutes early.你一定要早十分钟到达那里
(6) 一定 < 要做到…>
Make ~ to turn off the light before you go to bed.睡觉前一定要把灯关掉
to be sure
(1) 的确, 确实
" French is difficult." - " To be ~ (it is)." .“法语很难”“的确”
(2) [后接 but, 表示让步] 的确… (但…) ; 当然… (但…)
It's not new, to be ~, but it works all right.它的确不是新的, 但是性能很好
Well I'm sure![当感叹词用] 哎呀!不得了!
1 (美)的确, 确实地, 无疑地, 当然
It ~ is hot.天气的确很热
I ~ was right. [预测实现时等] 我果然鸣了
" Japanese is difficult." - " It ~ is." .“日语很难”“的确是”
2 好, 当然
" Are you coming?" - " S~!" .“你会来吗?”“当然”
3 (美)不必客气 (as) sure as nails [fate, death, a gun] 的的确确, 确确实实
sure enough(口语)果然, 一定, 真正地
I thought he'd do that; and ~ enough, he did.我想他会做那件事; 果然, 他做了




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