

词汇 write
释义 write[raɪt; rait]《源自古英语“搔”的意思》(wrote [rot; rout], (古)writ[rt; rit]; written[`rt; 'ritn], (古)writ[rt; rit])及物动词
1 (利用笔、打字机等工具) 写
(→ draw【同义字】)a. 写 < 文字、文章、论文、书等> ; 作[写]< 曲子>
~ a check [cheque]开支票
(cf. WRITE out(2)
~ a book on American history写一本美国史的书
~ an opera [a symphony]写歌剧 [交响乐曲]
He ~s English better than he speaks it.他的英文写的比说的好
~ one's name and address in a book把姓名住址写在书上
~ a letter on a typewriter用打字机打一封信
He wrote a wonderful melody for the song.他为那首歌谱上美妙的旋律
b. 写字在 < 纸等> 上; 用 < 某种笔迹> 写字
~ five pages写五页
~ shorthand用速记写
~ a good [bad] hand字写得好[坏]
c. 写…
He wrote " I love you" on his birthday card to her.他在给她的生日卡上面写著“我爱你”
d. 写给< 某人> …
I wrote him a check (for the sum [$40]).我开给他一张 (央步 [四十美元的] ) 支票
2 写信
a. 写 < 信>
~ a letter from Paris从巴黎写信 (回家)
~ a letter home写家书, 写信回家
b. (美口语)写信给< 人>
Our son ~s us every week.我们的儿子每星期写信给我们
c. 写给< 某人> < 信等> ; 写 < 信等> [给某人][to]
He wrote me an account of his journey.他写信告诉我他旅行中的情形
I wrote a long letter to my parents.我写了一封长信给父母
d. 写信通知< 某人> < …事> ; [给人]写信通知< …事> [to]
He ~s that he is getting better.他来信说他正在逐渐康复
I wrote (to) them that I was leaving for London.我写信告诉他们我将去伦敦
e. 写信告知< 某人> …
W~ (me) how you got home.写信告诉我你如何回家的
W~ me if I could see you on Saturday.来信告知我是否可在星期六去看你
f. 写信要< 某人> < 做…> (cf. v.i. 3c)
I wrote her to come and see me.我写信要她来看我
3 [在书等中] 写著[说]…[in]
The poet ~s that life is but an empty dream.那诗人写道 :人生只是一场空虚的梦
It is written in the Bible that.﹍.圣经上说…
4 (如书写一般清楚地) 将 < 感情、特质等> 表示, 显示, 刻划 [于脸上、心上等] [on, in, all over]
Honesty is written on [all over] his face.诚实表露在他的脸上(他一脸诚实的样子)
5‘电算’将< 资料> 记入 [输入] (记忆装置)
1 写 (字)
He cannot read or ~.他不会读或写
She ~s well [clearly, legibly].她字写得好 [清楚, 易辨认]
~ with one's left hand用左手写字
~ on both sides of the paper在纸的两面写
~ with a pen用钢笔写
You may ~ either in ink or in pencil.你可以用墨水或铅笔写
Don't ~ on the walls.请勿在墙上乱涂 [涂鸦]
2 a. 著述, 著作
Her ambition was to ~.她的抱负是从事写作
He made a living by writing.他以写作为生
The author ~s well.这位作家文章写得好
b. [为…]写文章 [稿] [for, to]
~ for a newspaper [magazine]为报章[杂志]写稿
~ for a living以写作谋生
~ to a newspaper投稿给报社
c. 写[关于…] [about, of, on]
I am not fit to ~ about it [on the subject].我不适于写那件事 [有关那个主题 (的文章) ]
He wrote of his experiences.他撰写 [写文章谈论] 自己的经验
3 a. 写信, 通信
She ~s home once a week.他每周写一次信回家
b. [就…事]写信[给人][to][about]
~ to one's mother写信给母亲
He must be written to.必须写信给他
I wrote to him about the matter.关于那件事我写信给他了
c. 写信给[某人]要某人做…[to](cf. v.t. 2f)
I wrote to let him know that I was arriving at three.我写信告诉他我将于三点钟抵达
I have written to him to meet me at the station.我已写信给他要他在车站接我
d. 写信要求< 做…>
He wrote asking me to meet him at the airport.他写信要我到机场接他
4 < 笔等> 写得 (…)
This pen ~s well.这枝笔好写
nothing to write home about→ home
副词 write away for﹍
写信订购… write back
回信[给…][to] write down
(1) 把…写下来, 记录
Some students ~ down every word the professors say.有些学生把教授所说的一字一句都记录下来
(2) 在纸上叙述…< 为…> ; 评价, 看成
In the book she ~s herself down as a feminist.在那本书中她把自己写成女权运动者
I should ~ him down as a scoundrel.我应把他看成是个恶棍
(3) [使读者] (易懂地) 降低程度写[to]
~ down to one's audience为迎合读者故意降低程度写; 写较低级的作品以迎合读者的趣味
write for﹍
(1) 写信订购…
~ for a fresh supply写信要求供货 [订购]
~ home for money写信回家要钱
(2) → v.i. 2b write in
(1) 写进, 记入
(2)(美) (选举时) 把< 人> 名写入 [列入] 名单上
(3)(美)以记名方式投< 票>
(4) (将请求、订单等) 以信函寄给 [公司、政府机关等] , 投书[to] write off
(1) 当场 [流畅地] 写
(2) 写信 [订购…] [for]
He wrote off for a dozen bottles of wine.他邮购一打葡萄酒
(3) 一口气写完
~ off a poem in ten minutes十分钟内写出一首诗
(4) 把< 债务等> < 当作…> 勾销, 注销
~ off a debt (as irrecoverable)把债 (当作无法收回而予以) 勾销
(5) 把…看< 成…> , 认定…< 为…>
~ off a person as a fool把某人看成傻瓜
(6)(口语)认为…不行, 放弃… write out
(1) 完整 (不省略地) 写出…
~ out a report写出报告
(2) 开< 支票等>
(3) [~ oneself out] < 作者> (写作能力枯竭而) 写不出, 无材料可写, 江郎才尽
He has written himself out.他已是江郎才尽 (再也写不出东西来了)
(4) < 作者> 才尽无材料可写 write up
(1) 告示
A notice is written up on the wall.墙壁上有一则告示
(2) 详细地写 < 日记等> ; 写完, 整理 < 草案等>
He wrote up his diary every evening.他每天晚上详记日记
(3) 详细记载 [大写特写, 详细报导] < 发生的事等>
The reporter wrote up the event for his paper.那名记者为自己的报社详细报导该事件
(4) 在报纸上赞扬…
The critics wrote up the acting of the supporting players.评论家们撰文赞扬那些配角的演技
(5) = WRITE in (4) writ[written]in water→ water writ[written]large
(1) 大书特书的; 显而易见的
(2) 大规模地, 大大地
(3) < 弊害等> 更为严重, 更加厉害




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