

词汇 think
释义 think[θɪŋk; θiŋk](thought[ t; :t])及物动词
1 想, 认为, 以为
a. 认为, 想, 以为
Do you ~ (that) she'll come ?.你想她会来吗 ?
I don't ~ (that) it will rain.我想不会下雨
I should [would] have thought he was much younger.(英)我原以为他年轻得多呢
I don't ~ so.= I ~ not.我想不是 (这样)
b. 想…, 以为…
It's going to be a fine day, I ~.我想今天会是个晴天
It would be better, don't you ~, to go back.你不以为回去比较好吗?
→ I don't THINK.c. [疑问词+do you ~?] 想…?
Who do you ~ is going with us?.你想谁会跟我们去?
What do you ~ has happened?.你以为发生了什么事?
d. 认为[…]如何?[of, about]
What did you ~ of his speech?.你认为他的演讲怎么样?
I wonder what they will ~ about this proposal.我不知道他们对这项建议有何想法
What do you ~ about a trip to Hawaii [about going fishing] ?.你认为去夏威夷旅行 [钓鱼] 如何?
e.(文语)将…认为< …> , 视为, 以为
I ~ him (to be) a charming person.我认为他是个富有魅力的人
I ~ it better not to try.我认为不要尝试比较好
They were thought to be dead.他们被认为死了
f. 认…为…, 视为, 以为
He thought the car to belong to John.他认为那部汽车是约翰的
They were thought to have died.他们被认为已经死掉了
2 a. [常将 I ~ 置于句首] 想< 做…>
I ~ I'll go to bed early tonight.我想今晚我要早点睡
" You'll go skiing tomorrow, will you?" - " Yes, I thought so." .“你明天要去滑雪, 是吗?”“是啊, 我原先就这么想了”
b. 打算< 做…>
What time do you ~ to come back?.你打算几点回来?
3 a. 想 < 要怎么办等> , 考虑
I'm ~ing what to do next.我在考虑下一步要做什么
T~ how nice it would be to marry him.想一想假如嫁给他该有多好
b. 想到, 想像, 知道
I can't ~ what he might say.我不知道他会怎么说
I can't ~ where the rumor came from.我不知道那谣言是从哪儿来的
He could not ~ how to do it.他想不出要怎样做那件事
c. [cannot [could not] 或 try [want] to ~] 想到, 想出
I can't ~ what her name is.我想不出她叫什么名字
I'm trying to ~ what to call it.我正在设法给它取个名字 [考虑要称它什么]
d. (口语)想到< 去做…>
I didn't ~ to consult the timetable.我没有想到去查时刻表
e. 心想…
I thought, " Is he dead?" .“他死了吗?”我想著
4 a. 预期 < …这件事> , 料想
Little did she ~ [She little thought] that she would become the Princess of Wales.她完全没有料想到她会成为 (英国的) 皇太子妃
b. 预期< 去做…> , 料想
Who would have thought to find you here!.谁会料想到你居然在这儿!
5 a. (口语) (专心) 想< …之> 事
He ~s nothing but business.他满脑子只想工作的事
b. (文语)心怀 < (…的) 想法>
~ dark thoughts心怀邪念
They waited, ~ing the same thought(s).他们等著, 而心怀同样的想法
6 a. 想 < 忘掉…> < away>
You can't ~ away your troubles.你想忘掉你的烦恼也忘不了
b. [~ oneself]想得变成< …>
I fear she will ~ herself mad [sick], worrying about her husband.我怕她会因担心她丈夫而想得发疯 [生病]
1 a. 思索, 想
~ hard [deeply]用心想 [深思]
~ and ~想了又想, 反覆地想
He usually ~s big.(口语)他常常异想天开
Let me ~ a minute.让我稍想一下
Just [Only] ~!.想想看!你也不想想
b. 想[…之事], 想[做…][of, about]
We are ~ing of [about] going to Hawaii during the summer vacation.我们想在暑假中去夏威夷
2 预期, 料想
when I least ~在我完全没有预料的时候
I thought as much.我也是那样想
I don't think.(英俚) [加在反语、讥诮话等之后] 我可不这么想
You're a kind man, I don't ~.你是个好心的人, 我可不这么想
think ahead
预先想 [未来之事] [to] think (all) the less of﹍
(更) 低估[轻视]… think (all) the more of﹍
(更) 高估 [重视] … think aloud=THINK (out) loud think back (
回顾, 回想[to] think better of﹍
(1)重新评估< 某人> , 对…有较高的评价; 认为< 某人> 不致于…
Now I ~ better of you.现在我对你的评价更高
She had thought better of her husband than to suppose that he could be so cruel.她认为她丈夫不致于如此冷酷无情
She considered divorcing her husband, but thought better of it.她想与丈夫离婚, 但重新考虑后改变了这个念头
think fit to do﹍
I didn't ~ fit to do what he suggested.我认为不宜采纳他的建议
think no end of﹍= THINK the world of think nothing of﹍
不把…当一回事, 毫不在乎…, 认为…没有什么 (不对)
She seems to ~ nothing of lying.她好像认为撒谎没有什么不对
Think nothing of it
[用以回答道歉、致谢] 没关系, 不要介意 think of﹍
(1)→ v.i. 1 b
Just ~ of the fun!.试想一下那种乐趣吧!
To ~ of her becoming a lawyer.想想看, 她竟要成为律师(真是无法想像)!
(3)想到…之事, 梦想…
She could never ~ of that.她绝不可能想到那种事
I wouldn't ~ of betraying my master.我怎么也不会出卖主人(想都不会想)
His guilt is not to be thought of.怎么也想不到他是有罪的
(4)连用] 想起
I couldn't ~ of her name.我无法想起她的名字
(5)想出 < 主意等> ; 说起, 提起; 提议, 示意
Can you ~ of any good hotel in New York?.你能不能想出纽约有什么好旅馆?
He was the first to ~ of doing it.最先提议做这件事的是他
(6)把…认为 [视为] < …>
I ~ of him as a friend (rather than a teacher).我把他当作朋友 (而不是老师)
It was hard to ~ of her as only twenty.要以为她只有二十岁很难(很难想像她祇有二十岁)
(7) [在 think 与 of 之间加副词] 把…想 [看, 评价] 得…, 对…有…的想法 [看法, 评价]
I don't ~ much of their new plan.我对他们的新计画评价不高 [我认为他们的新计画并不怎么样]
~ little of﹍轻视 [蔑视] …
~ highly of﹍ 尊敬…
~ poorly of﹍ 瞧不起…
~ well [ill] of﹍ 认为…好[不好]
think out
想出; 想通, 想透; 彻底地考虑; 藉思考以解决或瞭解< 问题等>
T~ things out before acting.把事欲底考虑之后再采取行动
think (out) loud
说出所想的事; 无意中自言自语 think over
I must ~ the matter over before giving my answer.我必须在回答之前先仔细考虑这件事
think the world of﹍
非常尊敬 [赏识, 重视, 钦佩] … think through
想通, 想透 think twice
I would ~ twice before accepting his offer.我会在接受他的提议之前再考虑一下
(2)[对…]踌躇, 犹豫不决[about]
He thought twice about it.他对那件事犹豫不决
think up
想出, 发现 < 新主意、藉口等> To think that﹍!
居然 [竟会] …, 想不到… (真令人惊讶, 伤心, 泄气)
To ~ that he's single!.想不到他居然是未婚哩!
[用单数](口语)思考, 考虑; 想法, 见解
Have a ~ about it.考虑考虑吧
If you think I'm going to help you again, you've got another ~ coming.如果你以为我会再帮助你, 那你就想错啦!




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