

词汇 fun
释义 fun[fʌn; fʌn]不可数名词
1 嬉戏, 玩笑
He is fond of ~.他爱闹著玩
make ~ of=poke ~ at嘲弄…, 取笑
2 乐趣, 有趣, 消遣
have ~作乐, 玩乐
The child had a lot of ~ with the toys.小孩子玩玩具玩得很开心
I didn't see the ~ of playing cards.我看不出打纸牌有什么好玩的
3 [常作 be 的补语] (口语)有趣的事 [物, 人]
It is ~ picking up various shells on the beach.在海滨捡各种贝壳是很有趣的
What ~!.好有趣, 真愉快
He is good [great] ~.他真有趣(他是个有趣的人)
for fun
(1) 开玩笑, 为了乐趣
read a book for ~为了乐趣而读书
(2) = in FUN
for the fun of it [the thing]为了好玩, 闹著玩地, 当作玩笑地
play cards just for the ~ of it玩纸牌只为了好玩
fun and games
戏闹, 欢闹 in fun
开玩笑地, 闹著玩地
Don't take offense. I said it in ~.别生气, 我只是说著玩的
(美)快乐的, 有趣的
a ~ party快乐的宴会




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