

词汇 sight
释义 sight[saɪt; sait]《see 的名词》名词
1 (U)视力, 视觉
have good [bad] ~视力好[差]
lose one's ~失明
have one's ~ tested接受视力检查
2 (U) [又作 a ~] 看, 见, 一见
at (the) ~ of一看到…
She faints at the ~ of blood.她一看到血就会昏过去
catch ~ of﹍ 看见…
lose ~ of﹍ 看不见…
get a good ~ of﹍ 仔细看…, 端详…
They waited for a ~ of the popular actress.他们等著看一眼那位家喻户晓的女明星
3 (U)视界, 视野
in a person's ~在某人眼前
We came in ~ of land.我们来到看得见陆地的地方
The land is still in ~.陆地依然看得见
Out of ~, out of mind.(谚)眼不见, 心不烦 [离久情疏]
Out of my ~ !.走开!滚开!
The ship is within ~ of land.船在陆地看得见的地方
4 (C)情景, 景象, 风景, 景致
(→view 3【同义字】)
The flowers in the garden were a wonderful ~ [a ~ to see].花园里的花是一幅美景
5[the ~s]名胜地, 观光地
see [do] the ~s of London游览伦敦名胜
6[a ~](口语)笑料, 丑态
a perfect ~十足的笑话, 不像样
What a ~ (you are)!.看你成什么体统! (你) 太不像样了!
7(U)见解, 看法, 判断
in the ~ of the law(文语)从法律观点, 在法律上
In my ~, he did very well.就我看来, 他做得很好
8(C) [常~s] (枪炮等的) 瞄准具[器], 表尺, 照准
a telescopic ~附有望远镜的瞄准具
take a (careful) ~注意瞄准
have ﹍in one's ~s
瞄准…; 以…为目标 set one's ~s on﹍
把目标定于…, 志在… raise[lower]one's ~s = set one's ~s higher[lower]
9 a. (英口语)[a ~]很多[of] (many, much)
a ~ of questions很多问题
a ~ of money很多钱
b. [a (long, damn) ~; 当副词用修饰比较级] 远较…, …很多
This is a (long) ~ better than that.这个比那个好得很多
a sight for sore eyes
(口语)喜欢看到的东西[人], 珍品, 受欢迎的客人, 稀客 at first sight
(1) 一见, 初见
love at first ~一见钟情
(2) 乍见之下, 乍看起来
It isn't so bad as it appears at first ~.它并没有像初见时那样坏
at sight
一见就, 见到立即
She can sing at ~.她一见到乐谱就会唱
in sight
(1) →3
(2) 在望, 看得见
No agreement is in ~.还没有达成协议的希望
know a person by sight
看过< 某人> 的面孔, 认得某人 lose sight of﹍
(1) →2
(2) 失去…的音讯
(3) 忘记…, 忽略… not (﹍) by a long sight
(口语)绝非…, 远不如…, 比…差得远 on sight = at sight out of sight
(1) →3
(2)(口语)不合理的[地], 非常的[地], 离谱的[地]
Labor costs have risen out of ~.人工成本 [工资] 涨得太不合理
(3)(美俚)了不起, 很棒
He's [That's] out of ~.他[那]很了不起
sight unseen
She ordered the article ~ unseen.她没看现货就订了货
1 一看立刻就做 [懂] 的, 初见的
→sight reading
2 见票即付的< 支票等>
a ~ draft见票即付的汇票 [票据]
(略作 S/D)及物动词
1 a. (靠近而) 看出, 发现
At last they ~ed land.最后他们看到陆地
Several rare animals have been ~ed there in recent years.数种稀有动物最近几年在那里被发现
b. 观测 < 天体等>
~ a star观测一颗星
2 a. 以< 枪炮> 瞄准[…][on]
~ a rifle (ona rabbit)以来福枪瞄准兔子
b. 给< 枪等> 装上瞄准器不及物动词
1 瞄准, 调节照准器 [on, along]
2 注视 [某方向] [on, along]
He drove straight by ~ing along the center line.他注视著 (道路中间的) 中央线, 驾车径直向前驶去




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