

词汇 side
释义 side[saɪd; said]名词
1 (C)
a. (左右、上下、前后、东西方等的) 侧, 边, 面
the right [left] ~ of a road道路的右[左]侧
on this ~ of the post office在邮局的这一边 [前面]
on the east [west] ~ of a town在城镇的东 [西] 边
The study was lined on three ~s with books.那间书房三面都是整排的书
b. (内外、表里等的) 侧, 面
the ~s of a cave洞窟的内侧 [壁面]
the other ~ of the moon月球的背面
both ~s of a record唱片的两面
put one's socks on (the) wrong ~ out把袜子的里面穿在外面(穿反)
c. (书、笔记簿的) 单面, 页
2 (C) (前后、上下以外的) 侧面
the ~ of a house(从外面看到的) 房屋侧面
Your tie is on one ~.你的领结歪向一边了
The bus lay on its ~.那部巴士横卧著
3 (C)
a. (身体的) 腹侧
I had a pain in my right ~.我的右肋痛
They burst [split] their ~s (laughing [with laughter]).(口语)笑破肚皮
b. (头部的) 侧面, 旁边
hair graying at the ~s两鬓斑白的头发
c. [常构成复合字]山腹, 山腰, 山坡
on the ~ of a hill在山腰处
→hillside, mountainside.d. (猪、牛的) 半边躯体, 肋肉
a ~ of beef牛的肋肉
4 (C) (人的) 旁边, 侧面
take a person to [on] one ~把某人叫到一旁(如说悄悄话时)
Come and sit by [at] my ~.过来坐在我旁边
The child never leaves his mother's ~.那个小孩寸步不离母亲身旁
a. (敌对的, 自己的) 一方, 集团, 派系; (比赛的) 一方, 队
take a person's ~站在某人的那一方
support the losing ~支持输的一方
He is on Fraser's ~.他站在 Fraser 那一方 [支持 Fraser]
Whose ~ are you on.你是属于哪一方[边]的?
There is much to be said on both ~s.双方都有许多说词
He changed ~s in our favor.他改变立场加入我们这一边
They chose [picked] ~s for the game.他们为比赛而分成敌我双方
b. [集合称](英) (参加运动的) 队
a strong cricket ~一支实力坚强的板球队
6(C) (事物、性格的) 面, 方面
think of the practical ~ of things想到事物的实际方面
look on the bright [dark] ~ (of things)看事物光明 [黑暗] 的那一面, 持乐观 [悲观] 的看法
a. [常构成复合字] (东西的) 端, 边缘; (河等的) 岸
the ~ of a desk [one's mouth]桌子的一端 [嘴边, 嘴角]
by the ~ of a road [river]在路旁 [河岸]
→roadside, seaside.b.‘几何’ (三角形等的) 边; (立体的) 面
8(C) (血统上) …方, 系
an uncle on the paternal [maternal] ~父[母]系的伯叔 [舅舅]
He is French on his mother's ~.他的母系是法国血统
9(C)(英) (中等学校中注重特别科目的) 部门
a science ~科学部门
10(U)(英罕)傲慢, 摆架子, 自大
put on ~摆架子, 逞威风
be without ~ = have no ~不摆架子, 不傲慢
by the side of﹍= by a person's side
(1) 在…的旁边 [附近]
(2) 与…比较 from all sides [every side]
从四面八方; 从各方面 from side to side
The cart rattled by, swinging from ~ to ~.两轮运货马车发出嘎嘎声, 左右摇摆地驶过
get on the right [wrong] side of a person
讨< 人> 喜爱 [惹< 人> 厌] let the side down
(英)使己方的人 [同事, 家族] 失望 [丢脸] No side!
‘橄榄球’比赛时间终了!比赛完了! on all sides [every side]
在四面八方, 到处, 处处 on the right [bright, sunny] side of﹍
< 人> 在…岁以前的, 尚未…岁的
(cf. on the wrong [shady, far] SIDE of)
He is on the right ~ of sixty.他还不到六十岁
on the side
(1) 作为副业
(2)(英) (以蒙混方式) 多余地, 附加地; 秘密地, 暗中地
(3)(美)作为添加的菜肴 on the﹍side
有几分…, 有点儿…的样子 on the small [large] ~
(比较上) 属于略小[大]的
He is a bit on the stingy ~. (比较上) 他是有一点儿吝啬 on the wrong [shady, far] side of﹍
(cf. on the right [bright, sunny] side of)
He is on the wrong ~ of sixty.他已年过六十
on the wrong side of the tracks
(美)在城镇的贫穷地区 put﹍on[to]one side
(1) 将< 东西> 收拾, 整理, 把…留起来
(2) 将 < 问题、工作等> 暂时停止 [搁置] side by side
并排著, 并肩[with]
The two boys stood ~ by ~.那两个男孩并肩而立
take sides
加入[…]一方, 袒护[…][with]
I took ~s with him against them in the argument.在争论中, 我支持他对抗他们
this side of﹍
(1) 不必远赴…的
the best French cuisine this ~ of Paris不必远赴巴黎即可享受的最佳法国菜
(2) 即将…以前, 濒临…以前
He remained barely on this ~ of madness.他尚未达到疯狂的地步
1 旁边的, 侧面的, 从侧面的
a ~ door [entrance]侧门 [侧面的入口]
a ~ road旁边的路, 侧道
take a ~ glance斜视
2 a. 从属的, 副的; 附加的, 附带的
a ~ order(美) (餐厅中) 主菜以外另点的菜
a ~ effect副作用
a ~ issue枝节的问题
b. 兼差的, 副业的
a ~ job兼差, 附带的工作
a ~ business副业
3 暗中的, 秘密的, 偷偷的
a ~ payment秘密的付款
袒护, 支持[…][with]; 支持 […的相反的那一方] [against]
He always ~s with [against] the strongest party.他总是支持最强者




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