

词汇 agree
释义 a.gree[ə`gri; əˈɡri:]《源自古法语“欣然接受”的意思》不及物动词
1 进行讨论等而 (同意)
(→ consent 【同义字】)a. 赞成(cf. 2a)
I ~.我赞成
b. [对提议等] 答应, 赞成, 同意[to]
I ~d to the proposal.我同意该提案
I ~ undertake the work.我答应做这工作
c. (议论的结果) [对于条件、意见等] 达成协议, 互相同意[on, upon](cf. 2b)
We ~d on a date or the next meeting.我们同意下次会议的日期
We ~d on starting at once.我们一致同意立即出发
2 意见一致
a. 有同感(cf. 1a)
I ~.我有同感
b. 意见一致; 持著同样的想法[with]; [对于…]意见一致[on, about](cf. 1c)
I ~ with you in all your views.我赞成你的一切意见
c. [关于] < …一事> 意见一致 [as to, about]
We could not ~ where we should go.关于我们去向的问题, 大家意见无法一致
3 a. < 二个以上的事物> 一致, 相符, 符合, 相合
The figures don't ~.数字不符合
b. 一致, 相符, 相合[with]
The copy ~s with the original.这副本与事正本相符
c. ‘文法’ < 语形> (在人称、性别、数方面) 一致[with]
A verb must ~ with its subject in number and person.在数和人称方面动词必须与其主词一致
4 a. < 人> 意气相投, 感情好, 和好相处< together>
The couple ~d very well.这对夫妇感情很好
We ~ very well together.我们相处的很好
b. < 人> 意气相投, 感情好, 和好相处[with]
John and his wife do not ~ with each other.约翰与他太太之间感情不好
5 < 食物、气候等> 相宜[with]
Milk does not ~ with me.牛奶对我不适合
1 a. 承认 < 会计报告等>
b. 同意< 做…> , 允诺, 答应
He will ~ to come.他会答应来
I ~ not to expect anything from you.我答应不向你冀求任何东西
c. 承认
He ~d that my plan was better.他承认我的计画比较好
2 a. 同意< 做…> , < 对于做…> 意见一致
We ~d to start at once.我们同意立即出发
b. < 对于…一事> 意见一致, 一致认为…, 同意
We ~d [It was ~d] that we should travel first-class.我们一致同意乘头等 (车、船) 旅行
c. < 对于…一事> 意见一致, 同意, 一致认为…[with]
I ~d with him that some active measure should be adopted.我与他一致认为应该采取某种积极措施
agree to differ [disagree]




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