

词汇 wall
释义 wall[wɔl; wɔ:l]《源自拉丁文“壁垒”的意思》可数名词
1 (室内的) 墙壁, 隔间墙
hang a picture on the ~把画挂在墙上
W~s have ears.(谚)隔墙有耳
2 a. (石、砖等砌的) 围墙
(→ fence【同义字】)
a brick ~砖墙
a stone ~石墙
b. [常 ~s]壁垒, 城墙
an old castle with ~s around it围墙环绕的古堡
the Great W~ (of China) (中国的) 万里长城
3 a. 如墙壁耸立的 [阻挡的] 东西
a cliff ~阻挡去路的绝壁
a ~ of bayonets [water]刺刀林立 [水墙]
b. (知识上、社会上的) 阻隔, 隔阂, 障碍
break down the ~ of prejudice [tradition]打破偏见 [传统] 的壁垒, 消除 [克服] 偏见 [传统] 的障碍
4 [常 ~s] (容器、内脏器官等的) 内侧, 内壁
the ~s of a boiler锅炉的内侧
the ~(s) of a blood vessel血管内壁
the stomach ~(s)胃壁
bang [beat, knock, run] one's head against a (brick) wall→ head drive [push, thrust] a person to the wall
把< 人> 逼到绝境; 使< 人> 束手无策 [无招架之力] go to the wall
输掉; 经营事业 (等) 失败
The weakest go(es) to the ~.(谚)弱者输; 优胜劣败, 弱肉强食
up against a wall
陷入困境, 碰壁, 遇到障碍
They've got me up against a ~.他们逼得我无路可逃
up the wall
(口语)愤怒地; 疯狂似地, 不知所措地
go [climb] up the ~勃然大怒, 激怒
drive [send] a person up the ~使人大发雷霆, 使人不知所措
with one's back to the wall→ back名词形容词
1 a. 墙壁的; 围墙的
b. 装在墙壁上的
a ~ clock壁钟
2 长在围墙上的; 爬在外墙上的< 植物等>
a ~ plant爬墙植物
1 用墙壁 [篱笆] 围起< in>
~ (in) a garden用墙围起花园
2 a. 用墙壁 (等) 堵塞 < 入口、窗子等> < up>
The window had been ~ed up.窗子已被堵塞了
b. 用墙壁等分隔< off>
The study is ~ed off from the living room by an accordion door.书房以摺叠门与客厅隔开
3 把< 人> 囚禁[于…] < up, in> [in]
~ a person (up) in a dungeon把人囚禁于地牢




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