

词汇 wait
释义 wait[wet; weit]《源自古德语“看守”的意思》不及物动词
a. 等待, 等候
W~ a moment [minute].等一下
I'm sorry to have kept you ~ing so long.抱歉, 让你久等了
I cannot ~.我等不下去了
I'll ~ till he comes.我要等到他来为止
I ~ed (for) an hour.我等了一个钟头
I'll ~ and see what happens.(口语)我要等著看会发生什么事
Everything comes to those who ~.(谚)静候的人自有好机会来
b. 无所事事地等待, 徘徊等待< about, around>
I can't ~ around here any longer.我不能再在这里徘徊等下去了
c. 等待[…][for]
Are you ~ing for anybody ?.你在等什么人吗?
What are you ~ing for ?.你在等什么 ?
She always has to be ~ed for.她总是让人等
d. 等 […做…]
He was ~ing for the bus to come.他正在等公共汽车来
It's the perfect opportunity, yet you seem to be ~ing for it to pass.那是极好的机会, 然而你似乎坐著眼看它溜走
e. 等待< 做…>
I just can't ~ to see him.我已等不及会见他
2 [常 can [cannot] ~] < 事态、工作等> 可延缓 [延后]
Dinner can ~.晚饭不急 [可延后]
That matter can ~ until tomorrow.那事情可搁至明天再说
3 ( < 餐饮等> [为某人]准备好[for]
Lunch is ~ing ! (for you). (你的) 午餐已准备好
1 等待 (await) < 机会、轮次、方便等>
~ one's turn [chance]等待轮到自己[机会]
He's ~ing the opportunity to act.他在等待行动的机会
2 (口语)[为某人]延迟 < 用餐等> [for]
Please don't ~ dinner for us.请不要为了等我们而延缓吃晚饭
wait and see
观望情形, 静观 (事态) , 等著瞧 wait at [(美)on] table
(在用餐时) 为人服务, 侍候用膳 wait on
(1) 继续等下去
(2)(口语)等 (人) 一会儿, 片刻 wait on[upon]﹍
(1) 侍候…; (尤指) 侍候…的用餐; < 店员> 为< 客人> 服务
~ on oneself自己的事自己做
Are you (being) ~ed upon ?.有人在招呼你吗 ?(店员用语)
(2)(罕)拜访 < 长辈、客户等> , 向…请安问候
We will ~ upon you at your office tomorrow.我们明天会到办公室拜访你
(3)(文语)随…而来; 是…的结果
Success ~s on effort.成功随努力而来, 成功是努力的结果
wait out
Let's ~ out the storm here.我们在这里等到暴风雨过去吧
wait up
May we ~ up for daddy to come home ?.我们可以不睡觉等爸爸回来吗 ?
1 (C)等, 等待; 等待的时间
We had a long ~ for the train.我们等火车已经等了很久
2 [the ~s](英罕) 耶诞夜挨家挨户报佳音的歌唱队
lie in wait for﹍= lay wait for﹍埋伏等待…




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