

词汇 against
释义 a.gainst[ə`gɛnst; əˈɡenst]介系词
1 a. 反对…, 抵抗
fight ~ the enemy与敌人作战
He struggled ~ fate.他对抗命运
Are you for (it) or ~ it?.你是赞成这件事还是反对?
vote ~ the proposal对提案投反对票
b. 逆…; 违背…, 违反…
sail ~ the wind逆风航行
~ one's will [conscience]违反自己的意愿 [意志, 良心]
We are rowing ~ the current.我们逆水行舟
c. 对…不利的, 不利于…的
There is nothing ~ him.没有任何对他不利的事
2 对著…打击
throw a ball ~ the wall对著墙壁掷球
The rain beat ~ the window.雨打在窗上
3 依, 靠; 紧靠; 接触
He leaned ~ the tree.他靠著树
Please push the ladder ~ the wall.请把梯子靠墙壁
4 a. 以…为背景, 在…衬托下
~ the blue sky以蓝天为背景;
b. 与…对照 [对比, 相映]
The white sail stands out ~ the dark sea.在与漆黑的海相映之下, 白帆显得格外突出
5 防备, 预防, 以防…
They save money ~ a raiy day.他们存钱以备不时之需
6‘商’凭…抵付, 以…换取
Please deliver this package ~ payment of cost.请于收到货款后交付这包裹
as against﹍
与…成对比, 与…相对 (立) 的
reason as ~ emotion与感情相对 (立) 的理智, 理智对感情
over against ﹍ → over adv




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