

词汇 shoulder
释义 shoul.der[`ʃoldɚ; ˈʃouldə]名词
1 (C)
a. (→ body)
with a bundle on one's ~肩扛著行李
square one's ~s挺肩, 挺起胸膛
shrug one's ~s耸肩
b. (衣服的) 肩
2 (C)[常 ~s]
a. 肩膀, 背的上部→ have broad shoulders
carry a child on one's ~s让小孩骑在肩上
b. (担负责任的) 双肩
shift the responsibility to other ~s把责任推给别人
take the work on one's own ~s负起该工作的责任
The future of our country rests on your ~s.我们国家的前途要靠你们
3 (C)
a. 山肩(山顶附近的斜坡)b. (瓶子、弦乐器等的) 肩部c. (道路的) 路肩
4 (U) 肩膀肉
a ~ of mutton羊的肩肉
cry on a person's shoulder
(为博取同情而) 向别人诉苦, 发牢骚 give[show]the cold shoulder to a person = turn a cold shoulder on a person→ cold shoulder have an old head on young shoulders → head have broad shoulders
(1) 肩膀宽
(2) 负得起重担 [重任] ; 可靠的 head and shoulders above﹍→ head put[set]one's shoulder to the wheel
努力工作, 拼命干 rub shoulders with﹍
与 < 名人等> 交往或为伍 shoulder to shoulder
(1) 并肩地; 群集地
(2) 同心协力地, 团结地 (straight) from the shoulder
(口语)从正面, 毫不隐瞒地, 率直地
I told them straight from the ~ that.﹍.我坦白地告诉他们…
1 a. 把…扛起 [挑在肩上]
~ a heavy load肩负重担
S~ arms!.‘口令’枪上肩!
b. 负起 < 责任> ; 担任< 工作等>
You don't need to ~ the blame for this failure.你无须对这次失败承担责任
You must ~ the future of the company.你们必须肩负公司的未来重任
2 a. 用肩推…
~ a person out of the way用肩把人推开
I was ~ed aside.我被人用肩推至一边
b. [~ one's way]用肩膀推开别人前进
He ~ed his way through the crowd.他用肩膀推开人群前进
c. 用肩膀推开…使成…状态
He ~ed the swing door open.他用肩膀推开回旋门




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