

词汇 trip
释义 trip[trɪp; trip]《源自古英语“踏步”的意思》可数名词
1 旅行, 远足
(→ travel【同义字】)
a bus ~巴士旅行
→round trip
a ~ abroad海外旅行
a ~ (a) round the world环球旅行
a four-day three-night ~四天三夜的旅行
go on a sightseeing ~ to [around]﹍去…观光旅行 [去环游…]
make a business ~ to London出差到伦敦
2 (因事的) 外出, 走一趟; 上班, 趋访
make a ~ to the corner store到转角的店铺走一趟
It's a short ~ to my office.我的办事处就在附近
3 a. 失足, 颠踬; 绊倒, 摔倒
make a ~颠踬
b. 过失; 失言
make a ~犯错误
a ~ of the tongue失言
4 (俚)
a. (主要由迷幻药, 尤其是 LSD 所引起的) 幻觉经验; 一段梦幻时间b. 刺激的经验
5‘机械’跳动 (机构)
不及物动词(tripped; trip.ping)
1 颠踬[在…上], 被[…]绊倒; 被[…]弄得踉跄, 跌倒[on, over]
He tripped on a stone [over something hard].他被石头 [硬物] 绊倒
2 a. 犯错, 失误, 差误
My tongue tripped.我失言了
b. [在…上]犯错, 失误< up> [on]
I have never known him to ~ up even in details.即使在琐事 [细节] 上我都不曾看到他犯错
He tripped up on the essay part of the exam.他在这次考试中, 申论题部分答错了
3 以轻快的步伐走 [跑, 舞蹈]
A number of children came tripping down the street.几个孩童以轻快的步伐沿街道走过来
4 (俚) (主要由 LSD 所引起地) 陷入幻觉症状< out>
1 a. 使< 人> 颠踬, 绊倒, 使…跌倒; (于摔角等) 勾< 人> 的脚使跌倒; 使…失足< up>
The root tripped him.那树根使他颠踬
I was tripped (up) by him.我被他绊倒
b. 使< 人> 失败, 使…失误< up>
He was tripped (up) by the difficult question.那道难题他答错了
c. 使< 人> 说话前后矛盾< up>
He tripped (up) the witness by artful questions.他以巧妙的质问诱使证人说话前后矛盾
2 松开掣子以发动 < 机械、装置>
3 使…倾斜
4 从海底卷起< 锚>
5‘航海’ (放低中桅时, 为拔除底部之固定木栓而) 稍吊起 < 帆桁>




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