

词汇 card
释义 card[kɑrd; kɑ:d]《源自拉丁文“一叶纸草”的意思》名词
1 (C)
a. 卡片; 名片; 厚纸片; 票
a membership ~会员卡
an application ~申请卡
→ boarding card.b. (印有图画、装饰图案的) 问候卡, 邀请卡, 请帖, 贺卡
a Christmas [birthday] ~耶诞 [生日] 卡
→ greeting cardc. 菜单; 酒单d. (口语)名片
leave one's ~ at the door [with a person]把名片留在门旁 [留给某人] (表示来访未遇)
e. 名信片 (postcard)
2 a. (C)纸牌
b. [~s]; 纸牌 (游戏)
play ~s玩纸牌
be at ~s在玩纸牌
win at ~s玩纸牌赢
3 (C) (运动的) 程序表, (比赛的) 节目单; (棒球比赛的) 编组
4 (C)(美)简短广告, 通知
a. 诙谐 [逗趣] 的人; 古怪的人b. 家伙, 人
a knowing [queer] ~精明 [古怪] 的家伙
6(C) 方法, 手段, 手法
play a doubtful [safe, sure] ~采用可疑的 [安全的, 可靠的] 方法
play one's best [strongest] ~使出绝招 [妙策]
7 [the (correct) ~] (口语)恰当的 [适当的] 事[物]
That's the ~ for it.那样最好
8[~s](英口语) (由雇主保留而于员工退职时归还的) 受雇者的文件
ask for one's ~s提出辞职
get one's ~s被解雇
give a person his ~s解雇< 某人>
in the cards
(美口语)很可能有[发生]的 make a card
‘纸牌戏’ (以一张牌) 打成一墩, 取得一圈的点数 (trick) No cards
[报上的讣闻启事用语] 谨此讣告, 不另发讣闻 on the cards
(英口语)= in the cards play [hold, keep] one's cards close to one's[the]chest
(口 语)秘密行事, 保密 play one's cards well [right, badly]
(1) (玩纸牌时) 出牌很高明 [适当, 笨拙]
(2)(口语)处理事情高明 [妥善, 差劲] put[lay]all one's cards on the table
(1) (玩纸牌时) 把手中的牌摊开在桌上
(2)(口语)公开 [公布] 计画 [一切事实] show one's cards
=show one's HAND speak by the card
精确地说 stack the cards against a person [in a person's favor]
The ~s are (stacked) against me.情势对我不利
throw [chuck, fling] in one's cards
(1) (玩纸牌时) 抛出手中的牌; 停止玩牌
(2) 放弃计画; 认输
1 a. 把…写在卡片上
b. 备置卡片于< 东西> 上, 用卡片标示< 东西>
2 (打高尔夫球时) 把 < 得分> 记在记分卡上




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