

词汇 that
释义 that[ðæt; ðæt]A (←→ this)形容词(pl. those)
1 a. ] 那, 那个, 彼
You see ~ tree. (一边指著说) 你看见那棵树吧
~ man over there那边那个人
What is ~ loud noise ?.那是什么响声 ?
b. 那, 那个, 彼
at ~ time那时候, 当时
in ~ country在那个国家
~ day [night, morning]那天 [晚, 早晨]
c. 那, 那个
He went to this doctor and ~.他四处去看医生
This camera is better than ~ one.这个照相机比那一个好
2 a. ] 那, 那个, 彼
~ horse of yours你那匹马
When are you going to pay me back ~ (sum of) twenty pounds ?.你准备什么时候还给我那 (笔) 二十英镑 (的钱) ?
b. [带著轻蔑等的意味] 那, 那个, 那种
Here comes ~ smile!.那种微笑又来啦!
T~ monster!.那个穷凶极恶的家伙 [妖怪] !
c. [用以预先指示关系子句之限制] 那, 那个
Have you read ~ book (which) I lent you last month ?.上个月借给你的 (那本) 书读了吗?
代名词(pl. those)
1 a. 那, 那个
Can you see ~?.你看得见那个吗?
That's my overcoat; this is yours.那是我的大衣, 这 (才) 是你的
" Is ~ Mary?" - " Yes, speaking." [在电话中] (英)“ (你) 是玛丽吗?”“是的”
(cf. this pron. 1 a)b. 那, 那件事
All ~ is nonsense.那全是胡扯
After ~ things changed.在那之后形势变了
T~ will do.那就可以了; 好啦!够啦!要适可而止
(Is) ~ so?.是 (那样) 吗?
That's all.那就是全部; 就是那么多; 如此而已
That's it.就是啦; 对啦; 那就是全部 (That's all)
That's right [so].好的; 是; 对; 是那样
That's what I want to say.我要说的就是那个意思; 那就是我所要说的
That'll be [T~ comes to] ten dollars.总共十美元
c. 那个人; 在那边的那个人
That's Nancy.那个人是南施
Who's ~?.在那边的是谁?
That's a good boy. [对听话的孩子说] 这才乖呢!这样才是乖孩子
2 a. [用以避免名词之重复] (…的) 那个
The climate is like ~ of France.这气候像法国 (的气候)
b. [强调地重复前面的陈述 (的一部分) ] (正) 是那样
" Is John capable?" - " He's ~." .“约翰能干吗?”“他是很能干”
→ and THAT.
3 [用作关系代名词 which 的先行词] (所…之) 物, 事
I did ~ which I ought to do.我做了我所应该做的事
There was ~ in her bearing which suggested an ancient race of man.她的举止使人联想到古代人
4 前者 (the former)
Of the two methods, this seems to be better than ~.在这两个方法之中, 后者似乎较前者为佳
Nutrition and sleep are both necessary to health; this gives us rest, and ~ gives us energy.营养和睡眠对健康而言均属必要; 后者给予我们休憩, 前者给予我们精力
and all that → all adj and that
(1) [代替前面的整个子句] 而且
He makes mistakes, and ~ very often.他犯错, 而且常常犯
(2)(英俚)= and all THAT at that
(1)就照那样, 到那样为止
→ LEAVE ﹍ at that.
(2)(美口语)即使是那样, 尽管那样
(3)尚且, 加上
He bought a car, and a Cadillac at ~.他买了汽车, 而且买的是凯迪拉克 (高级车)
(4)= with THAT for all that →FOR all﹍ (2) like that
那样地, 那般地
Do you always study like ~?.你经常都那样地用功吗?
Take that!→ take v.t. A 3 b that is = that is to say
那就是说, 亦即, 也就是说 that's that
(口语)就这样决定, 不必再多讲了, 就这么办
I won't go and that's ~.我说不去就是不去, 不必再多说了
He said we couldn't do it, so that's ~.他说我们不能做, 所以就这样决定了
this and (﹍) that → this pron this, that, and the other → this pron with that
这样说著; 于是, 然后
" Goodbye, " he said, and with ~ he left.他说“再见”, 于是离开了
[ðæt; ðæt]副词(指示副词)
1 (口语) [限定表数量、程度的字] 那样地, 那么 (so)
She can't go ~ far.她不能走那么远 [做到那个程度]
He only knows ~ much.他只知道那么多
It's not really quite ~ interesting.并不真的那么有趣
2 [常 all ~; 常用于否定句] (口语) (不) 大…, (不) 太…
The film wasn't all ~ good.那部片子不怎么好
[轻读[t; t]]
1 [引导名词子句]
a. [引导主要子句]
T~ he is alive is certain.他还活著是确实的 [他确实还活著]
Is it true ~ he has returned home ?.他已回国是真的吗 [他真的已回国了吗] ?
It's certain (~) she's a widow.她确实是个寡妇
b. [引导补语子句]
The trouble is ~ my father is ill in bed.麻烦的是家父正卧病在床
The fact is, he is quite unaware of it.事实是, 他完全没注意到这件事
c. [引导受词子句]
I knew(~)he was alive.我知道他还活著
You will soon realize ~ London is a very old place.你不久会了解伦敦是个很古老的地方
d. [引导同位格子句]
You must be aware of the fact ~ he is destitute.你一定知道他非常贫穷这一情况
There's no proof ~ he stole it.没有 [未发现] 他偷这个东西的证据
e. [引导接在形容词, 不及物动词后面的子句]
I am afraid(~)he will not come.恐怕他不会来
He complained ~ I was lazy.他抱怨我懒惰
He was convinced ~ his father was innocent.他深信他父亲是清白的
2 [引导副词子句]
a. [so [such] ﹍that 的句型表程度、结果] (非常) …以致, …得
I am so tired (~) I cannot go on.我太累了无法继续下去
There was such a great storm ~ all the ships were wrecked.发生了如此大的暴风雨, 以致于所有的船都遇难
He is not so poor ~ he cannot buy it.他并非穷到买不起它的地步
b. [ (so) that, in order that 表目的] 以便…, 为…
Turn it so ~ I can see it.把它转一转, 好让我看得见
I tried to walk quietly, so ~ they would not hear me.我设法悄悄地行走, 俾使他们听不见
We eat (so) ~ [in order ~] we may live.我们为了活命而吃
c. [表原因、理由] 因为…; 因…而
I'm glad (~) you've completed the work.我为你完成这项工作而感到高兴 [我高兴你完成了工作]
If I find fault, it is not ~ I am angry; it is ~ I want you to improve.如果我挑剔你, 那不是因为 (你惹) 我生气而是因为我要你进步
Not ~ I object. (这) 并不是说我有异议
d. [表判断之标准] …得 (竟然…)
Are you mad ~ you should do such a thing ?.你是不是疯了, 竟做出这样的事?
Who is he, ~ he should come at such an hour?.他是什么人, 竟在这样的时刻来?(岂有此理)
e. [通常在否定词之后引导限制之子句] 据所…, 就所…
He never read it, ~ I saw.据我所见, 他从来没有读过它
No one knows anything about it, ~ I can find.据我所知, 没有人知道这件事
Not ~ I know (of).据我所知, 并不是那样
3 [It is[was]﹍that﹍. 的句型强调副词 (片语) ]
It was on Monday ~ I bought the book.我是在星期一买了这本书
It was not until he arrived there ~ he learned what had happened.他是到了那儿才知道所发生的事
4 a. [在 that 子句中使用should, 以表惊讶、愤怒]
T~ he should behave like this !.他举止居然像这样!
b. [在 that 子句中使用假设语气过去式, 以表愿望] (文语)但愿…!若…多好!
Oh, ~ I were in England now.我现在要是在英国多好!
Would(~)it were possible!.假如这件事可能的话, 那该多好!
but that﹍ → but conj. B 2 b, 3; prep. 2 in that﹍ → in prep. 片语 now that﹍ → now conj
C[ (轻读) t; t] (关系词)
1 [通常以限定用法指表人、物之先行词] 所…的
a. [用作主词]
He is the greatest actor ~ has ever lived.他是古今最伟大的演员
This is the only paper ~ contains the news.这是刊登那则消息的唯一报纸
This is all ~ matters.这就是唯一有关系 [关系重大] 的
Much ~ had been said about her proved true.有关她的许多说法[议论]经证明都是事实
The men and equipment ~ had been loaded on the truck were driven to the construction site.装在卡车上的人和器材设备被载往建筑工地
b. [用作补语]
Like the artist ~ he is, he does everything so neatly.他不愧 [到底] 是个艺术家, 凡事都做得乾净俐落
Fool ~ I am!.我好笨!
c. [作为及物动词, 介系词之受词]
This is the book (~) I bought yesterday.这是我昨天买的书
Is this the house (~) they live in ?.这是他们居住的房子吗 ?
2 所…的
You were in a hurry the last time (~) I met you.上次遇见你时, 你匆匆忙忙的
It was raining (on) the day (~) he started.他起程那一天正下著雨
Do you know the way (~) he does it?.你知道他如何做这件事吗?
3 [It is[was]﹍that﹍. 的句型强调名词 (相当语) ]
It was a book ~ I bought yesterday.我昨天买的是书
It is you ~ are to blame.该受谴责的是你
It's you (~) I rely upon.我所依靠的就是你
Who was it (~) called just now?.刚才来访的是谁?
that is [that was, that is to be]
现在的 [从前的, 未来的] …
Mrs. Harrison, Miss Smith ~ was哈里逊夫人, 也就是从前的史密斯小姐
Miss Smith, Mrs. Harrison ~ is to be史密斯小姐, 也就是未来的哈里逊夫人




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