

词汇 with
释义 with[wɪð, wɪθ; wið, wiθ]介系词A
1 a.与…一起, 与…一同; 偕同…
He is living [staying] ~ his aunt.他与姑妈同住 [暂居姑妈家]
She is going to the park ~ her two children.她正要和她的两个小孩一起去公园
Will you come ~ us, too?.你也跟我们一道来吗?
b. 作为…的一员, 服务于…
She is an air hostess ~ JAL.她是服务于日本航空公司的空服员
He has been ~ the company (for) ten years.他服务于那家公司十年了
He used to play baseball ~ the Giants.他以前是巨人队的棒球选手
c. 把…算在一起, 包括…
W~ the maid, the family numbers eight.包括女佣, 这一家共有八口
2 a. 与…, 跟…
discuss a problem ~ a person与某人讨论问题
join one end ~ the other把一端与另一端接在一起
We are acquainted [friendly] ~ him.我们跟他很熟 [有深交]
We are always in touch ~ them.我们经常与他们联络
b. 与…
mix whiskey ~ water威士忌加水混合
3 a. 与…
I agree ~ you there.在那一点上, 我与你的意见相同
They sympathized ~ the old man.他们同情那位老人
That accords ~ what I saw.那与我看到的相符合
b. 赞成…, 支持…
He voted ~ the Government.他投票支持执政党
Are you ~ us or against us ?.(口语)你赞成我们还是反对我们 ?
c. [引导成为 be 动词补语的片语, 常用于否定句、疑问句] 跟得上< 对方> 的话[议论], 能理解…的话
Are you ~ me so far ?.到现在为止你了解我所说吗 ?
Sorry I'm not ~ you; you are going too fast.对不起, 我跟不上, 你说得太快了
4 [引导比较、同等的对象] 跟…
compare him ~ his brother把他跟他的哥哥[弟弟]比较
The sidewalk is not level ~ the street.人行道跟街道不齐平
He can swim ~ the best of them.他与他们之中最善游者相比也毫不逊色
5 与…一起, 与…同时; 随著…
W~ that, he went away.他说了那句话就走开了
W~ the development of science, the pace of life grows swift.随著科学的发达, 生活的步调加快了
Wisdom comes ~ age.智慧随著年龄而来
Her grief lessened ~ time.她的悲伤随著时间 (的逝去) 而淡化
The boat drifted ~ the current.那条小船随著潮水漂流
1 a. [引导感情、态度的对象] 对…
be angry [frank, gentle, patient]~ a person对人发脾气 [坦率, 温柔, 忍耐]
Be careful ~ the glass.对处理玻璃 [玻璃杯] 要小心
What do you want ~ me?.你找我做什么?
They are in love ~ each other.他们彼此相爱
We are at peace [war] ~ them.我们跟他们处于和平 [交战] 状态中
b. [引导处置、关系的对象] 对…, 关于…
I can do nothing ~ this boy.我对这个男孩无能为力
I have nothing to do ~ that.我跟那件事毫无关系
I've done [finished] ~ this tool.我已用过这个工具
I want to get it finished ~.我要把这事结束掉
How are you getting along ~ your work?.你的工作进行得怎样 ?
c. 把…
Away ~ him!.把他赶走 !
Down ~ aristocracy !.打倒贵族 !
Off ~ you !.滚蛋 !
Up ~ it !.把它举起来 !
2 关于… (的) ; 对…而言, …的情形
the Italian frontier ~ Yugoslavia义大利与南斯拉夫之间的国界
The trouble ~ her is that she gets easily excited.她的毛病是容易激动
What is the matter ~ you ?.你怎么了 ?
(cf. what pron.A 1 a)
It is usual [the same] ~ him.对他而言, 那是平常的事 [情形也一样]
Such is the case ~ me.我的情况就是如此 [我就是这样]
Your decision is all right ~ him.你的决定对他是没问题的(他无异议)
W~ many women, love comes first.对很多女人来说, 爱情第一
3 以…为对手, 与…
(cf. against 1)
fight ~ the enemy与敌人作战
argue [compete, disagree, quarrel] ~ one's friend与朋友辩论 [竞争, 意见不合, 吵嘴]
I had a race ~ him.我与他赛跑
4 将… (割舍) , 从… (离开)
(cf. from 6)
It's not easy for me to part ~ my favourite possessions.要我放弃我所喜爱的财物是不容易的
break ~ the party脱党
1 以…, 用…
write ~ a pencil用铅笔写
eat ~ a fork用叉进食
I'll have to see it ~ my own eyes.我一定要亲眼看到它
I have no money to buy it (~).我没有钱买它
2 以…; 被…
fill a glass ~ water用水注满玻璃杯
load a cart ~ timber将木材装载于二轮运货马车
The road was blocked ~ snow.道路被积雪堵塞
The books were covered ~ dust.那些书上积满了灰尘
He is overwhelmed ~ work.他被工作压得透不过气
3 因为…, 由于…, 为了… (because of)
shiver ~ fear因恐惧而发抖
His eyes glistened ~ excitement.他的眼睛因兴奋而发亮 [他兴奋得两眼发光]
I was silent ~ shame.我羞得说不出话来
She is in bed ~ a cold.她因感冒而卧床
4 a. 持有…的, 有…的; 受到…的
a vase ~ handles有把手的花瓶
a book ~ a red cover红色封面的书
a woman ~ long hair (留著) 长头发的女人
→ with CHILD, with YOUNG.b. 带在< 某人> 身上, 在…的手边 [手头上](cf. about prep. 3, on prep. 2)
He had no money ~ him.他身上没带钱
5 [引导状态副词片语] 表现…, …地
~ care小心地, 谨慎地
~ ease轻易地, 容易地
~ courage勇敢地
~ (great) difficulty (非常) 困难地, 好不容易地
He played ~ great skill.他演技精湛
She greeted me ~ a smile.她微笑著向我打招呼
6 a. 交给< 某人> 手里; 把< 东西> (托付)
Leave your dog ~ us.把你的狗交给我们 (照顾)
He trusted me ~ the secret.他 (因信任我) 向我透露了秘密
b. 全在于< 某人>
The choice is [rests] ~ you.选择权全在于你 [这要由你选择]
7 [引导表示附带情况的片语] 做著…, 保持…状态; 边做…
He stood ~ his back against the wall.他站著, 背靠在墙上
What a lonely world it will be ~ you away !.你不在, 这世界将多么寂寞 !
Don't speak ~ your mouth full.嘴里塞满食物就别说话
He came out in swimming trunks, ~ a towel slung around his neck.他穿著泳裤, 脖子上披挂著毛巾走出来
W~ night coming on, we started for home.夜晚来临, 我们开始上路回家
She sat there, ~ her eyes closed.她坐在那里, 闭著双眼
8 a. [常 ~ all; 表示让步] 虽然…, 尽管…
W~ all her merits, she was not proud.虽然她有那么多优点, 但她并不骄傲
W~ the best of intentions, he made a mess of the job.尽管他怀著一片好心, 但还是把工作弄糟了
b. 除了…点以外
These are very similar, ~ one important difference.除了重要的一点以外, 这些都非常相似
what with﹍and (what with) ﹍ → what adv with it
(俚) (服装、思想、行动等) 走在时代 [潮流] 的最尖端, 赶时髦的
He always tries to be [get] ~ it.他总是试著赶在时代 [潮流] 的最前头




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