

词汇 vote
释义 vote[vot; vout]《源自拉丁文“发誓”的意思》名词
1 a. (C)投票
an open ~记名投票
a secret ~不记名投票
a ~ of confidence [censure]信任 [不信任] 投票
propose a ~ of thanks提出感谢决议案, 建议表示感谢
Parliament ratified the agreement by a ~ of 70 to 43, with seven abstentions.国会以七十票赞成, 四十三票反对, 七票弃权而批准了该协定
b. [常 the ~]票决
come [go, proceed] to the ~付诸表决
put a question [bill] to the ~将问题 [议案] 付诸表决
The ~ went in my favor.表决的结果对我有利
The ~ went against (accepting) the plan.该计画被投票否决了
c. (U)投票 (权行使)
Let's decide the matter by ~.让我们用投票方式来决定这件事情吧
2 (C)投票 (用) 纸; 选票
a spoiled ~无效票, 废票
→ casting vote
one man one ~一人一票 (制)
canvass for ~s拉票
cast [record] one's ~ (for, against﹍) (文语)投 (赞成, 反对) 票
count the ~s计票
give one's ~ to a candidate把票投给某候选人
pass by a majority of ~s以过半数的票通过
They fell six ~s short of the two-thirds necessary to reverse the veto.他们因所需推翻否决案的三分之二的票数差了六票而受挫
3 [the ~]投票权, 选举权, 表决权
Women now have the ~ in most countries.现在在大部分的国家里妇女已有选举权
4 [the ~; 与修饰语连用; 集合称] 投票总数, 得票数
the floating ~游离 [流动] 票
The Labour ~ increased at the election.工党在选举中的得票数增加了
5(C)(英)议决的支出额; 议决额[for]
the ~ for defence expenditure国防经费的议决额
1 a. 投票
the right to ~投票[选举]权
b. [就某问题而] 表决[on]; 投票 [赞成…] [for, in favor of] ; 投票[反对…][against]
~ on a question就一个问题投票表决
He ~d against [for] the measure.他投票反对[赞成]该议案
2 (口语)投票 < 给…党>
V~ Democratic [Labour].请投票给民主党 [工党]
1 表决
a. 投票决定
The board ~d the money for education.委员会投票表决将该款项用作教育经费
b. 以票决方式将…给与 [授与] […][to]
Congress ~d the president emergency powers. = Congress ~d emergency powers to the president.国会通过授与总统紧急命令权
c. 投票决定< 做…>
Some counties have ~d to with hold payments to their states.有些郡议决拒绝付款给它们的州政府
d. 投票决定
They ~d that the publication of the journal (should) be continued.他们投票决定继续发行那本杂志
2 a. 投票支持
~ the Republican ticket投票支持共和党候选人
(cf. v.i. 2)b. (口语)投票给 < 某特定的候选人> (cf. v.i. 2)
V~ Thatcher.请投柴契尔一票
3 (口语)把…认为 [看作, 称作] < …>
The new play is ~d a success.这出新戏被认为是成功的
He is ~d a nuisance.他被公认是个令人讨厌的人
4 [通常以 I 作主词] (口语)提案, 提议 (suggest)
I ~ (that) we (should) do the city by sightseeing bus.我提议大家坐游览车去游览此都市
vote down
投票否决 < 提案等> vote in
选举< 人> vote out
投票解除< 某人> 职位 vote through
投票通过< 议案等>




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