释义 |
cut[kʌt; kʌt](cut; cut.ting)及物动词1 (用锐利的刀等) 切, 割 【同义字】■ cut 切, 割■ chop 用菜刀剁或用斧头砍■ hack 乱砍, 乱切 a. 割伤, 切伤 < 身体、东西的一部分> ~ one's finger割伤某人的手指→ cut one's (own) THROATI have ~ my finger.我割伤了我的手指b. [用…]割伤< 身体的某部位> [with, on]She ~ her finger with a knife.她用小刀割伤了手指He ~ his hand on a piece of glass.他被玻璃碎片割伤了手c. [~ oneself] (不小心) [被…]割伤身体, 负伤[with, on]Be careful not to ~ yourself while shaving.刮胡子时要小心别割伤自己I ~ myself on the cheek with my razor.我不小心被刮胡刀割伤了脸颊d. 切割…< 成…状态> He ~ the envelope open.他割开那个信封2 剪断a. 剪断< 东西> ~ the tape [ribbon]剪断 [剪辑] 录音带 [丝带]b. 剪 < 花草等> ; 割 < 农作物、草等> ~ flowers [wheat]剪花 [割麦]c. 砍伐< 木材等> < down> ~ down trees砍下树木d. [用…]剪< 东西> [with]~ the string with a pair of scissors用剪刀剪线e. 将< 东西> 切[成…] [in, into, to]I ~ the cake in two [in half, into halves].我把蛋糕切成两半→ cut to PIECES.f.[从…]砍掉 [剪下, 切去] < away, off> [from, out of]~ (away) the dead branches from a tree从树上砍掉枯枝~ the picture out of a magazine从杂志上剪下那张图片g. 切给< 某人> < 东西> ; 切< 东西> 给[某人][for]C~ me another piece of pie.=C~ another piece of pie for me.切给我另一块馅饼(再切给我一块馅饼)h. 切 [割] … < 使成…> I ~ the boat loose.=I ~ loose the boat.我割断小船的绳缆 (使船漂流)i. 将…分割< 成…> < up> Let's ~ (up) the profits 60-40.让我们把利润四六分帐3 修剪a. 修剪 < 指甲> ; 理< 发> ; 修剪 < 草坪、树篱等> ~ one's nails修剪某人的指甲have one's hair ~去理发b. 将…剪< 成…> ~ the lawn close把草坪的草剪短~ a person's hair short把某人的头发理短4 切割制作a. 切割, 对 < 玻璃、宝石等> 加以整形~ a diamond切割钻石b. 雕刻 < 石头、像等> ; [在石头等上] 刻< 像> [in, into, on]He ~ his initials on [into] the board.他在木板上刻下自己名字的起首字母a figure ~ in stone石刻雕像c. 裁剪 < 布、衣服> ~ a pattern裁剪纸样d. 将< 道路> 开辟[成…][through]~ a canal开凿运河~ a road through a forest开辟一条穿过森林的道路e.[~ one's way]开辟道路He ~ his way through the jungle with a machete.他用大砍刀在丛林中开辟一条路f. 录制 < 唱片> The pop singer has ~ a new record.那位流行歌手录了新唱片5 削减a. 削减< 费用等> ; 减低< 价格> < down> They ~ his salary by ten per cent.他们把他的薪水削减了百分之十Automation will ~ production costs.自动化会降低生产成本They ~ down the price by half during the sale.他们在拍卖期间把价格减半b. 减少 < 公共服务等> < back> Postal deliveries are being ~ (back).邮件的递送次数在减少c. [从影片、脚本等] 删剪 < 其中一部分> , 删除< out> [from]Several scenes have been ~ from the original film.有几个镜头已从原 (影) 片中删除d. 缩短, 缩减 < 文章、谈话等> → cut SHORT adv.You had better ~ your speech in several places.你最好对你的演说作些删节e.(美)[用…]稀释 < 酒类等> [with]~ whiskey with water用水稀释威士忌酒6 停止, 中止a. 断绝 < 关系、交往等> < off> ~ an acquaintanceship与人绝交~ off a relationship断绝关系b. 停止, 断绝 < 自来水、配管等> < off> ~ (off) the supply of gas [electricity]停止供应瓦斯 [电]c. (口语)停止, 关闭< 引擎等> < off> ~ (off) an engine [a switch]停止引擎 [关掉开关]d. (口语)旷< 课> , 跷< 课> ~ school [the class]旷课e.(俚)停止< 说话等> < out> C~ the talking!.不要讲话!f. 打断, 遮拦 < 别人 (的话) > < off> She ~ me off in mid-sentence.她中途打断我的话7(口语)a. 装作不认识< 某人> He ~ me in the street.他在街上装作不认识我b. 装作不认识< 某人> I talked to her but she ~ me dead [cold].我对她说话, 但她却装作不认识我8 a. (不绕行而从中斜著) 横过, 贯穿→ cut off the[a]CORNER.b. < 线> 交叉于…9 a. < 寒风等> 刺痛…的肌肤 [刺骨]The cold wind ~ me to the bone.寒风刺骨b. (以鞭子等) 猛烈抽打c. < 话> 刺伤< 某人> 的心His remark ~ me to the heart [quick].他的话刺伤了我的心10(口语)表演; 显出→ cut a CAPER, cut a FIGURE.11 < 婴儿> 长出< 牙齿> ~ a tooth长出一颗牙齿12 ‘纸牌戏’a. 将 < 一组牌> 分成两部分 (以上) (把上下两堆对换) , 切< 牌> b. (为法定庄家而) 抽< 牌> 13 ‘网球’切球不及物动词1 a. [对…]杀去, 砍去[at]He ~ at the enemy with the knife.他用那把刀朝著敌人砍去b. (用刀) 切[入…][into]The bridal couple ~ into the wedding cake.那对新婚夫妻用刀切入结婚蛋糕中2 a. < 刀等> 快, 锋利This razor won't ~.这把刮胡刀不快b. < 刀等> 利钝情形是…This knife ~s well.这把小刀很锋利c. < 东西> 能切成 (…) , 被切Butter from the fridge doesn't ~ easily.刚从电冰箱取出的奶油不好切3 a. < 船等> 冲破[…]前进, 穿过[through]The ship ~ through the waves.那只船破浪前进b. (抄捷径) 越过[…] [across] ; 穿过[…][through]A truck ~ acrossmy car.一辆货车从我的车前穿越过去Don't ~ across in front of people like that.不要像那样从别人前面穿越过去We ~ through the woods to get home.我们穿过森林回家4 a. (像刀割似地) 痛, 刺痛, 刺骨The wind ~ like a knife.风刺骨如刀割The wind ~ at her face [through her thin clothes].风如刀割地吹在她的脸上 [刺透她的薄衣]b. 如刀割般伤人心; 深入 (问题的症结所在等) , 直入核心The remark ~ deep.该评语一针见血His insight ~ to the heart of the problem.他的洞察力直入问题的核心 [他以敏锐的洞察力一下子抓住问题的实质]5 a. (美口语) (急忙地) 离去, 跑开I've got to ~ out now.我必须走了The boy ~ away through the side gate.那个男孩急忙从侧门离去He ~ out of the party.他很快地离开了宴会b. < 车子等> 突然改变方向; 插队, 超车~ to the left向左急转弯A truck ~ in front of my car.一辆货车插进我车子的前面6 a. < 引擎等> 停止< out> → CUT out (10). b‘电影’停止摄影C~!.停止拍摄 !7‘纸牌戏’切牌 (→ v.t. 12)8‘网球.板球’打切球■ be cut out for [to be] ﹍适于做…He isn't ~ out for business.他不适于做生意■ cut across﹍(1) →v.i. 3 b(2) 打断…, 遮拦, 妨碍(3) 与…对立, 抵触, 忽视…His opinion ~ clean across the party line.他的意见和党的路线完全相左(4) 越过…, 超越The issue ~ across party lines.那个问题超越了党派的界线(5) 广泛地影响…The phenomenon ~s across the whole range of human activity.该现象影响人类活动的整个领域■ cut and run(口语)急忙 [慌忙] 逃走, 逃窜■ cut back(1) 剪去 < 树 (枝) > (2) →v.t. 5 b(3) 削减[…], 减少[on]For lack of time he ~ back on weekend golf.因为没有时间他减少周末打高尔夫球的次数(4) (电影) 重现 [前面镜头] ; (小说等) 回叙往事, 倒叙[to]■ cut down(1) →v.t. 2 c(2) →v.t. 5 a(3)< 疾病等> 使< 人> 倒下, 使…丧命Cancer ~ him down in the prime of life.癌症使他在壮年时丧命(4) 将< 衣服> 的 < 长度、尺寸等> 改短I want this pair of trousers ~ down.我要改短这条裤子(5) 削减< 费用> We must ~ down our social expenses.我们必须削减我们的交际费(6) 减少~ down smoking减少吸烟(7) 使< 人> 减价[到…][to]He ~ the clerk down to 500 N.T. dollars for the watch.他使店员减价到500台币出售那只手表(8) 减少 [食品、香烟等的] 量[on]I'm cutting down on smoking [sugar].我正在减少吸烟 [食糖] 的量■ cut﹍down to size■ cut in(1) 突然插进别人的谈话, 插嘴; 打断 [别人的话] [on]He ~ in with a remark while she was speaking.当她正在讲话时他插嘴评论Don't ~ in on their conversation.不要打断他们的谈话Don't ~ in on me while I'm speaking.我讲话时请不要打岔(2) (后来的) < 车子 (司机) > 插入 [他车的前面] , 超车[on](3)(口语) (以轻拍肩膀等方式) [从跳舞中的一对男女中] 抢去 [截走] 女舞伴[on]■ cut into(1) →v.i. 1 b(2) 打断 < 谈话> ; 占用< 时间> He ~ into our conversation.他打断我们的谈话(3) (不得已) 动用 < 存款、利益等> , 使…减少We had to ~ into our savings.我们不得不动用我们的存款Inflation has ~ into our savings.通货膨胀使我们的存款减少■ cut it fine[close](口语) (时间、金钱等) 计算得仅仅足够, 缩减至最低限度■ cut off(1) →v.t. 2 f(2) →v.t. 6 a, b, c, f(3) 将…切断 [分开] , 分离; 隔断Many villages were ~ off by the snow.许多村子因积雪而被隔绝(4) (以立遗嘱) 剥夺< 某人> 继承权His father ~ him off without a penny [a red cent].他父亲剥夺他的继承权, 没有给他一分钱(5) 突然夺去< 某人> 的生命, 使…夭折He was ~ off in the prime of manhood.他在壮年时就去世了■ cut out(1) 剪下I'll ~ this picture out.我要剪下这张画(2) 将 < 一头牲畜> 与畜群分开(3)(口语)省去, 省略We shall ~ out unimportant details.我们将略去不重要的细节(4)(口语)停止 < 说话、吵闹等> C~ it out!.停止!闭嘴!(5) 停止…的饮食[使用]~ out all starchy foods戒食一切多淀粉的食物(6) 开辟< 道路> (7) 裁剪 < 衣服、纸样等> (8) 取代, 击败 < 竞争对手> , 比…抢先一著He managed to ~ out all the rivals for her affections.他终于设法击败所有竞争对手以赢得她的爱(9) → v.t. 5 c(10)< 引擎等> 停止; < 器具等> 变成不能使用; < 电热器等> 断电The engine ~ out in the middle of the street.引擎在街道中央熄火 (11) < 车子> (为超越前车) 急靠向路的一边, 突然换车道■ cut up(1) → v.t. 2 i(2) 切碎< 肉等> (3) 将…细切(4) 使< 敌人等> 毁灭(5)(口语)严酷批评, 将…贬得一文不值(6)(口语)使< 人> 心痛 [极为难过] , 使…难受She was terribly ~ up by her husband's death.她丈夫的死使她极为难过(7) (可) 裁剪[成…][into]How many suits will this piece of cloth ~ up into?.这块布可裁成几套衣服 ?(8)(口语)留下 [某金额的] 财产[for]He ~ up for a million pounds.他留下一百万英镑的财产(9)(美口语)到处胡闹, 吵闹~ up in office在办公室里到处胡闹■ cut up rough副词形容词(无比较级、最高级)1 切下来的, 割下的, 剪下的; 摘下的~ flowers剪下的花2 切短的, 切碎的~ tobacco烟丝3 雕琢过的→ cut glass.4 降低的, 减缩的, 削减的~ prices减价, 特价at ~ rates以打折价格 [减价]■ cut and dried可数名词1 a. (刀剪等的) 割, 切, 剪, 砍[at]I made a ~ at the piece of wood with my axe.我用斧头砍那块木头b. (鞭子等的) 痛打, 抽打He gave the horse a sharp ~ with the whip.他用鞭子猛抽那匹马c. 伤口, 割伤, 切伤; 伤痕I got a ~ on the left cheek while shaving.我在刮胡子时割伤了左脸颊2 a. 削减, 缩减, 降低[in]one percent ~ in income taxes所得税降低百分之一b. 切断, 停止→ power cut.c. (脚本 [剧本] 等的) 删除, 删除的部分3 切片; (尤指) 肉片, 切开的片 [块]a ~ of beef [pork]牛 [猪] 肉的切片 [块]4 [用单数]a. (羊毛等) 剪下的量b. (美) (木材的) 砍伐量5[用单数]a. (衣服的) 裁剪法, 样式a suit of poor ~裁剪不好的套装b. (头发的) 理法c. (宝石的) 切割6 木刻画, 插画7 a. (开掘而成的) 渠道; 通路b. 捷径8 无情的对待, 尖酸的挖苦[at]The remark was a ~ at me.那句话是在挖苦我9 a. (口语) (上课等的) 旷课, 跷课b. [常 the ~](罕)装作不认识She gave me the ~.她装作不认识我10(口语)分赃; 分得的份[of, in]He wanted to take a 50% ~ of the profits.他想分得利润的五成11‘纸牌戏’切牌 (→ v.t. 12) ; 轮到切牌; 切出的牌12‘网球.板球’切球■ a cut above﹍(口语)较…更胜一筹 [棋高一著, 高一等]He looks upon himself as a ~ above the common laborer.他把自己看成比普通劳工高一等的人■ the cut and thrust激烈 [唇枪舌剑的] 辩论, 短兵相接[of]the ~ and thrust of (parliamentary) debate(国会) 辩论踊跃的议论 [唇枪舌剑的辩论] |