

词汇 custom
释义 cus.tom[`kʌstəm; ˈkʌstəm]《源自拉丁文“一起习惯”的意思》名词A
1 (C)[集合称为(U)]
a. (已建立的社会) 习惯, 风俗, 惯例
keep up [break] a ~保持 [破除] 习俗
It is the ~ for [with] Japanese to bow when they meet their acquaintances.日本人遇见熟人时有相互鞠躬的习俗
【同义字】 custom 社会或国家的传统习惯 habit 个人的习气或习惯
b. (个人的) 习惯
C~ is second nature.(谚)习惯是第二天性
It is my ~ to go for a walk before breakfast.早餐前出去散散步是我的习惯
2 (U)
a. (对商店等的) 惠顾, 光顾(cf. customer 1)
We should like to have your ~.我们盼望你的惠顾
b. [集合称](文语)顾客
increase ~增加顾客
lose ~失去顾客
1 [~s]关税 (customs duties)
pay ~s on jewels缴交珠宝的关税
2 [the ~s; 常 the Customs; 常当单数用]海关
(cf. customhouse)
at the London Customs在伦敦海关
pass [get through, go through] (the) ~s通过海关 (的检查)
1 (美)定制的, 专做定制的
a ~ suit定制的西装
a ~ tailor专做定制衣服的裁缝
a ~ car定制的汽车
2 [~s]海关的, 关税的
~s duties关税
a ~s officer海关官员




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