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place[ples; pleis]《源自希腊文“宽大的路”的意思》名词1 a. (C) (特定的) 场所, 地点There is no ~ like home.没有任何地方比得上自己的家Some ~s in the city are dangerous at night.城市里有些地方在夜间是危险的b. (C)_ (为特定目的使用的) 地点, 建筑物, …场所 [处] ; 饮食店[of]a ~ of amusement娱乐场所a ~ of business营业处a ~ of worship礼拜场所, 教堂an eating ~餐厅, 饮食店a steak ~牛排馆c. (美)go some ~去某处go every ~ together一起去各处I don't want to go any ~.我任何地方都不想去2 a. (U) (当作抽象观念的) 空间, 场所time and ~时间与空间b. (U)余地 (room) [for]leave ~ for留…的余地There is no ~ for doubt.没有怀疑的余地, 无庸置疑c. (C)空的场所, 空间3 (C)a. 区域, 地区; 市; 镇, 村one's native ~故乡travel to distant ~s到远方旅行b. (口语)家, 住处at our ~在我家Come and have supper at my ~.到我家来吃晚饭吧c. (乡间的) 宅邸, 别墅He has a ~ in the country.他在乡下有一栋别墅4 (C)a. (东西表面的特定) 部位, 部分a rough ~ in the street街道上凹凸不平的地方I can't reach the itchy ~ on my back.我的手伸不到我背上痒的部位b. (书籍、故事等所正在阅读的) 地方, 章节mark one's ~在读到中途停下的地方做记号find [lose] one's ~寻找 [找不到] 读到中途停下的地方5(C)立场, 环境, 境遇If I were in your ~, I wouldn't put up with it.要是我处于你的地位, 我是不会容忍的6(C)a. (社会上的) 地位, 身分keep a person in his ~抑制某人, 使某人安分put a person in his ~使某人不敢越轨 [踰越]know one's ~明白自己的身分b. 重要的地位[位置]In her heart romance held a prominent ~.在她的心里罗曼史占了显著的重要地位Japan has taken its ~ among the economic powers of the world.日本已在世界经济大国中取得重要地位; 日本已跻身于世界的经济大国中7(C)a. 职业, 工作look for a ~求职lose one's ~失业b. [one's ~]职务; 本分It's not your ~ to criticize.批评并非你分内的事8 a. (人) 该在之处, (东西的) 该放置的场所With the new evidence, everything is beginning to fit into ~.有了新证据, 一切事情都逐渐变得合情合理Return that book to its ~.把那本书放回原来的地方It is no ~ for you.那不是你该在的地方(你不该在那里)b. (C)适当的场所[机会]A party is not the ~ for an argument.聚会不是争论的适当场所This is not the ~ to get cold feet.这不是害怕的时候c. (C) (等候轮到自己排队的) 顺序, 位置Would you please hold my ~ for a moment?.请你占 (看) 一会儿我的位置好吗?9(C) (座) 席take one's ~ at (the) table在餐桌旁就座lay ~s for five排五人分的座位I changed ~s with him.我和他交换座位10 [用单数; 常 the ~, 与序数连用] 顺序→in the first PLACE.in the second [last] ~第二 [最后]11 广场, (大马) 路, 街Portland P~.波特兰街(伦敦的一街道名)12 (C)‘数学’位Answer to the third decimal ~. = Answer to three decimal ~s.请回答至小数第三位13 (C)‘运动’先到达的顺序; 得奖的顺序(在赛马等常指第一, 二, 三名, (美)尤指第二名)get a ~进入前三名; (美)获得第二名win first ~获得第一名■ all over the place(口语)(1) 到处, 四处, 处处(2) 杂乱地, 弄得乱七八糟地■ fall into place(1) 归于正确的地方, 恰好能纳入(2)< 话等> 合逻辑, 前后一致Things are beginning to fall into ~.事情逐渐变成合乎逻辑 [显得井井有序]■ from place to place(1) 处处(2) 因场所而定■ give place to﹍让位给…; 被…取代■ go places(口语)(1) 到处去, 周游(2) [will ~] 或用进行式成功, 发迹He will go ~s.他会成功■ in place(1) 在一定 [正确] 的位置He looked in the mirror to make sure that his tie was in ~.他照镜子以确定领带在正确位置 [结得端正](2) 适得其所地; 适当的, 恰当的in a person's place代替某人Let me work in your ~.让我代你工作■ in place of﹍代替…Electric lights came to be used in ~ of lamps.电灯被用以取代煤油灯■ in the first place(1) [列举理由、论据等时] 第一、首先(2) 当初, 最初If boats frighten you, you should never have come in the first ~.如果小船使你害怕, 你当初就不该来■ make place for﹍给…留座位, 空出地方给…■ out of place(1) 不得其所的(2) 不适合场所的, 不适当的His sports jacket and slacks were decidedly out of ~ at such an elegant restaurant.他的运动夹克和运动裤在这种高雅的餐厅绝对不适合的■ place in the sun太阳照得到的地方; 有利的地位 [处境]■ take place(1)< 事件等> 发生The Norman Conquest took ~ in 1066.诺曼人的征服 (英国) 发生在1066年(2) < 仪式、活动等> 举行, 举办 (→happen【同义字】)The game took ~ before a great crowd of spectators.那场比赛在一大群观众面前举行■ take the place of﹍代替…, 代理…Mechanical power took the ~ of manual labor.机械动力取代了体力的劳动及物动词1 a. 放< 东西> (…) , 安装 (→put【同义字】)She lighted the candles and ~d them on the table.她点起蜡烛, 把它们放在餐桌上He ~d his arm around her shoulders.他把一只手臂抱住她的肩膀b. 把< 东西> 配置 (在…) , 整顿, 排列The items are ~d in alphabetical order.那些项目依照字母的顺序排列P~ those books in the right order.把那些书按正确的顺序排列2 a. 把< 人、东西> 置 [于某种状态、位置] [in, under]~ a suspect under surveillance把嫌疑犯置于监视之下He tried to ~ his company in a better financial position.他试著使公司处于较好的财务状况b. 使< 人> 就 [某地位] , 任命[in]He was ~d in the infantry.他被派到步兵队中He was ~d in command of the fleet.他被任命为舰队司令 (官)c. 任命< 某人> < 为…> He was ~d as rector.他被任命为教区牧师3 a. 给< 人> 找[工作][in]; 使< 人> [在某公司] 就职[with]They will ~ you with a good firm.他们会使你在一家好公司任职b. 给< 人> 找到< …的> 工作Will you ~ her as a typist?.你会为她找到打字员的工作吗?c. 给 < 孤儿等> 找 [照顾的人] , 为…介绍 < 养父母[家]> [in]The homeless children were ~d in my charge.那些无家可归的孩子们归我照顾4 a. 把 < 信心、希望等> 放[在…上], 寄予 [信赖等] [in, on, upon]~ one's faith in [on] science信赖科学They didn't ~ much confidence in their leader.他们不太信赖他们的领袖b. 把 < 重要性等> 置[于…], 重视 [in, on, upon]He ~s too much importance on data.他过于重视资料c. [对…]提出, 提起 < 议题、问题等> [before]~ the is sue before the general public对一般大众提出 (争论的) 问题5 a. 把 < 资金> 投资[于…][in]~ one's money in bonds把钱投资于公债b. [向商行等] 订购[…][with][for]We have ~d an order for the articles with the firm.我们已向那家商行订购那些物品6 想起 < 以前见过 [听过] 的人[东西]> 是谁 [何物] (identify)He could not ~ her, though he was sure he'd met her before.他想不起她是谁, 虽然以前确实见过她7 a. 把…看成 […之一] , 认为[among]You should ~ health among the most valuable of things.你应当把健康看成最宝贵的东西之一b. 把…看成 < 位于…> Among many factors this may be ~d first.在许多因素中这个因素可能居于首位c. 把…看成< …> I'd ~ her as a New Englander.我把她看成新英格兰人d. 把…评价[为…], 估价[at]~ the value of a house at 5 million dollars把一栋房子估价为五百万美元I'd her at around twenty-five.我看她是廿五岁左右e. 把…评价< 为…> , 估价~ the value of the house too high把那栋房子的价值估得太高8 决定 < 赛跑者、赛马等的> 名次His horse was not ~d.他的马没有入选(没有进入前三名; cf. n. 13)9 (透过接线生) 打< 电话> ~ a long-distance call to Los Angeles打长途电话到洛均BF不及物动词(美) (在赛马、赛狗等) 进入前三名内, (尤指) 得第二名 |