

词汇 suit
释义 suit[sut, sjut; su:t, sju:t]名词
1 a. 成套的衣服, 套装
a tweed ~斜纹软呢的套装
a two-piece ~上下两件式的套装
b. …服[装]
a gym ~运动装
→ bathing suit, space suit, birthday suit.
2 [甲胄、马具等的] 一套, 一副[of]
a ~ of armor [mail]一副甲胄 [一套盔甲]
3 ‘纸牌戏’
a. 一组(hearts, diamonds, clubs, spades 各十三张)b. 手中持有的同组牌
a long ~一手长牌
a strong [long] ~一组强牌
B(cf. sue v.)
1 (C)诉讼 (lawsuit)
a civil [criminal] ~民事 [刑事] 诉讼
bring [institute, file] a ~ against﹍ 控告…
2 (文语)请求, 恳求
have a ~ to a person向某人有所请求
make ~恳求, 央求
3 (C)(古)求婚
follow suit仿效别人, 依照前例
The chairman rose and we followed ~.主席 [议长] 起立, 我们也跟著做
1 对< 人> 方便, 适合; 对 < 预定计画> 没有妨碍
Would ten o'clock ~ you?.十点钟对你方便吗?
Come whenever it ~s you.只要你方便随时来吧
" Shall we meet at my house?" - " Your office would ~ me better." .“要不要在我家见面?”“在你办公室对我比较方便”
2 a. 使< 人> 中意, 使< 人> 满意; < 气候、食物等> 合乎 < 目的、口味、条件等>
That does not ~ all tastes.它不能使大家都中意[满意]
The climate here ~s me [my health] very well.这里的气候很适合我 [我的健康]
b. [~ oneself; 常用祈使语气] (口语)随某人的方便
S~ yourself.随你的便
3 < 服装等> 适合…
Blue hat ~s her fair skin.蓝帽子和她的白皮肤相配 [相称]
It doesn't ~ her to wear a miniskirt.她不适合穿迷你裙
4 a. 使…相称, 使…一致, 使…配合[to]
~ the punishment to the crime使惩罚与罪相称; 论罪量刑
~ the action to the word使言行一致; (尤指胁迫时) 照所说的话立刻去做
He tried to ~ his speech to his audience.他努力使自己的演讲适合听众
b. 使…适合[…][to, for]c. 使…适于< 做…>
5 (不) 适于…
It ill ~s you to criticize me.你 (的立场) 不适于批评我
方便, 合适
Which date ~s best?.哪一天最合适?




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