

词汇 term
释义 term[tʒm; tə:m]《源自古法语“极限”的意思》名词A可数名词
1 (学校三学期制度的) 一学期
the spring [fall, autumn] ~春 [秋] 季学期
~ examinations学期考试
keep a ~(英)一学期全勤
during (the) ~在学期中
at the end of (the) ~在学期末
2 a. (一定的) 期间, 期限; 任期
in the long [short]~长[短]期地
a president's ~ of office总统的任期
win two ~s < 总统等> 当选两任
The ~ of the loan is five years.贷款期限为五年
b. (房租、工资等的) 支付日期, 结帐期; 分娩期 the ~ of a contract 合约的期限(cf. C 2)
She is near (her) ~.她分娩期近 [快要生产] 了
3 (法院、议会等的) 开庭 [开会] (等) 期间B
1 (C)
a. (专门领域的) 术语, 用语, 专门名词
technical ~s专门用语
business ~s商业用语
an absolute ~绝对名辞
a general ~全称 [一般] 名辞
the major [minor]~大[小]名辞
2 [~s]说法, 措辞
in plain ~s爽直地说, 简单地说
in no uncertain ~s直捷了当地, 直言不讳地
speak in high ~s极力称赞
1 [~s]关系, 交谊[with]
on bad [equal, good, speaking, visiting] ~s (with﹍) (与…) 交恶 [处于平等的地位, 友好, 有足以与之交谈的关系, 有交往的关系]
2 [~s] (付款、费用等的) 条件; 要求的金额, 价格, 费用, 工资
on deferred [easy]~s以延缓 [分期] 给付的 [不苛的] 条件
on even ~s (with﹍) (与…) 不相上下 [均等]
set ~s提 [定] 条件
~s of trade贸易条件
the ~s of a contract合约条件
(cf. A 2b)
Terms cash.‘商’现金支付
Terms, two pounds a week.费用每周两英镑
3 [~s]协定, 约定, 同意
bring a person to ~s使某人同意 [妥协]
come to [make] ~s (with﹍) (与…) 达成协议, 与…谈妥
4 (C)
a.‘数学’项b.‘几何’界限点 [线, 面] come to terms(1)→C 3
(2) [对不愿意接受之物] 屈服, 妥协; 接受 [容忍] [某物][with] in terms of﹍
(2)与…关联地, 从…的观点, 据…, 以…的角度
see life in ~s of money从金钱的角度看人生
You should think in ~s of the future.你应该从未来的角度考虑
terms of reference
(英)受权调查范围 [事项]
< 将…> 命名< 为…> , 称呼 (name)
He ~ed the gas argon.他把那气体取名为氩
The drama may be ~ed a comedy.这部戏剧可称为喜剧




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