

词汇 lean
释义 lean[lin; li:n](leaned[lind; li:nd, lent], (英)leant[lnt; lent])不及物动词
1 (从挺直的姿势) 向前 [向后] 倾身, 曲身, 弯腰; 把身子向前靠
~ forward in walking弯著腰走路
~ over the rail把身子探过栏干
~ over to catch every word俯身向前以便听到每一个字
~ back in one's chair身子向后仰著坐在椅子上
Don't ~ out (of the window).请勿探身 (窗外)
2 凭倚[在…上], 靠, 倚靠[on, against]
An old woman came along the road ~ing on her staff.有一个老太婆拄著手杖沿路走过来
He ~ed against the wall.他靠在墙上
3 依赖, 依靠[…][on, upon]
~ on one's friends for advice依靠朋友的指点
4 a. < 建筑物等> 倾侧, 倾斜
The tower ~s (to the north).这座塔 (向北) 倾斜
The old church is ~ing to one side.那座古老教堂逐渐向一边倾斜
b. < 人、关心等> 倾向 [偏向] [于…], 有[…的]趋势 [toward, to]
His interest ~s toward politics.他开始对政治发生兴趣
1 把…靠 [凭倚] [于…][against, on]
He ~ed his back against the wall.他把背靠在墙上
He ~ed his elbows on the desk.他把双肘撑在桌上
2 使…倾 [偏, 弯] (向…)
He ~ed his head forward [to the left].他把头弯向前[左]方
lean on ﹍
(1) v.i. 2
(2) v.i. 3
(3)(口语)对 < 人、公司等> 施加压力, 威胁… lean over backward → backward adv
[a ~]倾斜, 偏倚, 弯曲[of]
a tower with a slight ~稍有倾斜的塔
a ~ of 30三十度的倾斜




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