

词汇 reason
释义 rea.son[`rizn; ˈri:zn]名词
1a. 理由, 原因, 缘故; 动机
(→ cause【同义字】)
for economical ~s =for ~s of economy为了经济的理由, 为了节约
for some ~ (or other)为了某种理由
He struck me without [for no] ~.他无缘无故揍我
He resigned for no other ~ than this.他辞职不外乎是为了这个理由
For what ~?.是为了什么理由?为何缘故?
b. […的]理由; 缘故; 动机 [for, of]
What is the ~ for his absence?.他缺席的理由是什么?
He gave a good ~ for it.他举出其正当理由
She had her own ~s for coming here.她来这里有她的理由
There is (every) ~ for their being displeased.他们感到不快是有其充分理由的
c. < …的> 理由
The meeting was put off for the simple ~ that the chairman was ill.会议只是因为主席生病而延期的(别无其他原因)
I see no ~ why they should not make a happy couple.我看不出他们不能成为幸福夫妻的理由
This [That] is the ~ why I am leaving Britain.这“那”就是我即将离开英国的理由
The ~ why he hesitates is that.…他迟疑的原因是…
d. < 做…的> 理由
I have good ~ to suspect him.我有充分理由怀疑他
There is ~ to believe that he is dishonest.有理由相信他不诚实
He has every ~ to complain.他有充分的理由抱怨, 抱怨也是当然
2 (U)道理, 理由
bring a person to ~使人明白道理, 使某人讲道理; 说服
listen to [hear] ~听从道理; 合乎人情
speak [talk] ~说得有道理, 言之有理
There is ~ in what you say.你说的有道理
3 (U)
a. 理性, 思考力, 判断力; 通情 达理, 良知
Animals have no ~.动物没有理性
His ~ failed him.他失去了理性
b. [常 one's ~]理智, 正常的心智
lose one's ~发狂
regain one's ~ = be restored to ~恢复正常的心智, 恢复理性
beyond (all) reason
(完全) 不合理 [道理] , 毫无道理
It's no use talking to him; he is beyond (all) ~.跟他谈没有用; 他不懂道理
by reason of﹍
(文语)由于…, 因… in reason
I will do anything in ~.我愿意做任何合理的事
Everything he said was in ~.他所说的事事合理
past (all) reason=beyond (all) REASON rhyme or reason → rhyme stand to reason
得当; 合乎情理, 理所当然
It stands to ~ that I should decline the offer.我婉谢这番好意, 乃是理所当然 [是合乎情理的]
within reason
合理, 得当, 理所当然 without rhyme or reason → rhyme with reason
[修饰整句]有理由…, 不无道理
He complains with ~.他抱怨并非没有道理
1 a. 思考, 推理, 推论
Man has the ability to ~.人有思考的能力
b. [据…] 推理, 推论[from]; [就…]推论, 论究, 推理 [about, on, upon]
You should not ~ from false premises.你不应该根据不正确的前题来推论
To ~ on such a subject is of little use.就这样的问题来论究 [辩论] 是没有什么用的
2 说服[人], 劝说, [对人]说道理[with]
I tried to ~ with him about the advantages of entering a university.我设法晓之以理使他了解读大学的好处
1 a. (逻辑式地) 论…, 辩论, 论究, 论断
His argument is well ~ed.他的议论条理分明
b. 推论, 推断
He ~ed that this would be the best way for us to proceed.他推论 [推想] 道这是我们著手去做的最好方法
2 根据理论想出 [解决] …< out>
Man is the only animal that can ~ out his problems.人是唯一能经由推理解决问题的动物
3 劝服< 人> […][into]; 劝服< 人> 不要[…][out of]
He tried to ~ me out of my obstinacy.他设法劝服我不要顽固
I ~ed myself into perplexity.我思考过度反把自己搞糊涂了




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