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wit[wɪt; wit]《源自古英语“知识”的意思》名词1 (U)[又作 ~s]a. 智慧, 理智, 智力, 理解力the ~ of man人的智慧have quick [slow] ~s才智敏锐 [迟钝] , 机灵 [不机灵]set one's ~s to work运用智慧b. < 做…的> 智力, 智慧He hasn't [doesn't have] the ~(s) to come in out of the rain.他笨得连进来躲雨都不会2 (U)机智, 才智 (→ humor【同义字】)His speech sparkled with ~.他的谈话闪露机智 [情趣横溢]3 (C)富有机智的人, 才子4 [~s] (健全的) 精神; 神志清醒in one's (right) ~s神志 [头脑] 清醒out of one's ~s神志不清, 精神错乱; 惊慌失措The accident scared me out of my ~s.那次意外吓得我惊慌失措■ at one's wits' end不知所措, 穷于应付I am at my ~s' end for money [an idea].我想不出筹款的办法 [好主意]■ have[keep]one's wits about one (无论面临何种危机, 为了能配合情况采取行动而) 保持冷静, 临危不乱, 冷静地行动■ live by one's wits (不工作而宁愿) 靠小聪明混日子 |