

词汇 wish
释义 wish[wɪʃ; wiʃ]及物动词
1 a. 但愿, 希望
I ~ I were [(口语)was] a bird !但愿我是一只小鸟(难以实现的愿望)
I ~ spring were [was] here.但愿春天来了
He ~ed he might live to see it.他希望能在活著时 [有生之年] 看到它
b. 但愿…, 要是…就好了
I ~ I had bought it.但愿我买下了它
I ~ you had seen it.但愿你看过它
I ~ you hadn't said [done] that.要是你没说[做]过那件事就好了
2 希望
a. < 人> 希望…
What do you ~ ?.你想要什么 ?
I'll go if you ~ it.如果你希望我去, 我就去
b. < 人> 但愿[希望]< 某人> < …>
We all ~ him (to be) happy.我们都希望他幸福
I ~ed myself dead.但愿我已死掉
I ~ed him in hell.(口语)但愿他下地狱
We ~ed the conference at an end.我们希望会议已结束
c. [I] 我希望…
I ~ you would be quiet.我希望你安静
I ~ it would rain.我希望天下雨
d. (想) 做…
I ~ to see you.我想见你
I don't ~ to give trouble to anyone.我不想给任何人添麻烦
e. 希望< 某人> < 做…>
I ~ you to go at once.我希望你立刻去
What do you ~ me to do?.你要我做什么 ?
f. 希望 [但愿] …< 被…>
I ~ that forgotten.但愿那件事被遗忘
He ~ed his safety guaranteed.他希望自己的安全获得保证
I ~ it (to be) finished.我希望把它做完
3 a. 祈望 [祝] < 某人> …; 祈望 [祝] [某人]…[to]
I ~ you a pleasant voyage.祝你旅途愉快
→ wish a person JOY of
I ~ you a happy New Year.祝你新年快乐, (恭贺新禧)
We ~ed him good luck.= We ~ed good luck to him.我们祝他好运
b. 对< 人> 打 < 招呼> , 向< 人> 告 < 别>
I ~ed him good-bye [good morning].我向他道别 [说早安]
c. 等状态副词连用] 祈望< 某人> (好[不好])
We all ~ you well.我们都希望你好
Nobody ~es you ill.没有人希望你不好
4 (口语)
a. 把 < 自己不喜欢的东西[人]> 强加 [给他人] [on, upon]
They ~ed a hard job on him.他们把繁重的工作强加给他
b. 想把 < 讨厌的人、物> 硬推给[某人][on, upon]
I wouldn't ~ her on anyone [my worst enemy].我不想把她硬推给任何人 [我最恨的敌人]
1 希望, 想要 [ (似乎) 不易得到的东西] [for]
We all ~ for peace [happiness].我们都希望和平 [幸福]
The weather is all [everything] one could ~ for.这天气正是大家所希望的(再好没有了)
I have nothing left to ~ for.我已别无所愿 [求] 了
2 a. 抱著希望
b. [对…]许愿[on, upon]
She ~ed on the full moon [a star].她对著满月 [星星] 许愿
3 (如此) 希望 [愿望]
(cf. v.t. 2 a)
You may go if you ~.你可以去, 如果你希望如此; 如果你想去, 你可以去
1 a. (C)祈愿, 愿望, 希望, 要求
carry out [attend to] a person's ~es实现某人的愿望
I hope you will grant my ~.我希望你答应我的要求
He disobeyed his mother's ~es.他辜负了他母亲的期望
If ~es were horses, beggars might ride.(谚)“希望”若是“马”, 乞丐也会骑 (若愿望等于事实, 乞丐也会变富翁)
The ~ is father to the thought.(谚)愿望是思想之父 (有什么愿望就会产生什么念头)
b. < 想做…的> 愿望
He has a great ~ [not much ~] to go.他很想 [不太想] 去
c. (C)< …的> 愿望
He has an earnest ~ that he (should) go abroad.他殷切地盼望自己能到国外
2 (C)
a. 祈求的事
make a ~ (尤指在脑中的) 祈求, 求愿
His ~ came true.他的祈求实现了
b. 想要的东西, 希望的事情
get one's ~如愿以偿
3 (C)[常 ~es]祝福, 祈求 (他人幸福、平安等的) 话, 愿望
Please send her my best [kindest] ~es.请代我问候她
with best ~es =with every good ~寄上由衷的祝福




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