

词汇 subscribe
释义 sub.scribe[səb`skraɪb; səbˈskraib]《源自拉丁文“写在下面”的意思》及物动词
1 捐< 款> [给…][to]
He ~d 10, 000 dollars to the earthquake relief fund.他捐了一万美元给地震救助基金
The sum needed was ~d several times over.捐款已达所需金额的数倍
2 (文语)
a. 在 < 证书等> 上署名
~ a petition在请愿书上署名
b. 签 < 名> [于…][to]
~ one's name to a petition签名于请愿书上
c. 把 < 名字> 写< 作…>
~ one's name (as) D.D把名字写作 D.D.
d. [~ onese lf] 署名
~ oneself (as) S.B署名S.B.
1 a. (认) 捐[给…][to]
Mr. Smith ~s liberally to charities.史密斯先生对慈善事业慷慨认捐
b. 捐 [款] [for]
~ for 10, 000 dollars捐款一万美元
2 订阅 [报纸、杂志等] , 预约[to, for]
~ to a newspaper [magazine]订阅报纸[杂志]
I have ~d for the encyclopedia.我已订购那套百科全书
3 申购 [股票等] [for]
I ~d for 1000 shares in the new company.我申购那家新公司的股票一千股
4 同意[…], 赞成[…][to]
I cannot ~ to that opinion.我不能赞同那个意见
5(文语)[在…]签名, 签署[to]
King John ~d to Magna C(h)arta in 1215. 1215.年约翰国王在大宪章上签了名




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