

词汇 shape
释义 shape[ʃep; ʃeip]名词
1 a. (C)形, 形状, 外形, 样子
(→ figure【同义字】)
a rock in the ~ of a human face人面形的岩石
The ~ of Italy is like a boot.义大利的地形像只长靴
These dresses come in all ~s and sizes.这些女装有各种式样与尺寸
What ~ is it?.它是怎样的形状?
b. (U) (抽象的) 形状, 原状
shake a feather pillow into ~把羽毛枕头整理好(摇动羽毛枕头使恢复原状)
All solids have ~.一切固体均有形状
A ball is round in ~.球的形状是圆的
These shoes are rather out of ~.这些鞋子几乎全走样了
2 a. (U) [又作 a ~] 形态, 模样, 装扮
an angel in human ~扮成人形的天使
an enemy in the ~ of a friend装作朋友的敌人
She has a slender ~.她的体态苗条
b. (C) (模糊的、奇怪的) 形像, 轮廓, 幻影, 幽灵
A strange ~ could be seen through the fog.在雾中隐约可见到一个奇怪的人形
3 (U) (计画等的) 完整 [具体] 形式
take ~ < 计画、方案等> 成形, 定形
get [put, knock]﹍into ~使…成形, 整理…的形状
give ~ to﹍ 赋…以形态, 整理…
put one's thoughts into ~整理思绪, 使思想具体化
→ whip ﹍ into shape.
4 (U)(口语) (健康、经营等的) 情形, 状况
I want to get into good ~ for the exam.我要保持良好的身体以备考试
He is in good [poor] (physical) ~.他的身体情况良好[差]
This car is in perfect ~.这部车子的状况十分良好
a. (制冻胶物、帽子等的) 模子, 模型b. (果冻、洋菜等) 用模子制成的东西 in any shape or form不论以任何形式 (都不…) , 一点 (都不…)
You may not use my ideas in any ~ or form.不论以任何形式你都不能引用我的构想
in shape
(1) → 1 b
(2) 身体状况良好的, 健康的
(←→ out of shape)
Physical exercise keeps you in ~.体操使你保持健康
in the shape of﹍
(1) → 1 a, 2 a
(2) …形式的, 以…形式, 作为…的
a reward in the ~ of $200以两百美元 (的金钱) 作为酬劳
lick﹍into shape → lick out of shape
(1) → 1 b
(2) 身体情况差
(←→ in shape)
I am rather out of ~ these few days.我这几天身体情况不太好
1 a. 将< 东西> 造成某形, 塑造…
~ a pot on a wheel在木制旋转圆盘上捏制陶壶
The earth is ~d like an orange.地球的造形如橘子
b. 把…造成 […形状] [into]
~ clay into a cup把黏土捏成茶杯
c. [用…]制造…[out of]
~ a cup out ofclay用黏土制造茶杯
d. < 为…而> 将…造形
~ clay to make a cup将黏土塑成茶杯
2 a. 将< 计画等> 具体化; (以言语) 表示, 提出 < 质问、答覆等>
~ a plan制定一项计画
~ a statement提出声明
b. 将< 想法等> 整理[成…][into]
~ one's ideas into a book把自己的想法整理成书
3 使…适合[…][to]
~ one's ideas tothe times使自己的想法适合时代 (潮流)
The dress is ~d to her figure.这套女装正适合她的身材
4 决定 < 未来的方向、方针、一生等>
~ one's future决定某人的前程
~ one's course in life决定人生的方向
1 a. 成形, 完成< up>
Clouds are shaping on the horizon.云逐渐涌起于地平线上
The project is shaping up nicely.该项研究计画进展顺利
b. 成为[…的]形状[into]
2 发展, 发达, 顺利进行< up>
Things are shaping up.事情进行顺利
His political career was shaping well.他的政治生涯进展顺利 [很有起色]
shape up
(1) → v.i. 1 a
(2) → v.i. 2
(3) 好好干, 改正行为
S~ up or get out.好好干, 否则出去
(4) 调整身体情况, 为美容、健康而运动




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