

词汇 shake
释义 shake[ʃek; ʃeik](shook[k; uk]; shak.en[`ekn; 'eikn])及物动词
1 (上下[前后]地快速) 震动, 摇动
a. 摇动…, 摆动…
~ a tree摇树
~ dice(投掷前) 摇动混合骰子
To be shaken before use.使用前摇一摇
He shook his head at the plan.他对该计画摇头
b. [~ oneself]摇动身体
The wet dog shook itself.那只湿淋淋的狗猛摇身体
c. 抓住< 人> [的身体的某部分] 而使其摇动[by]→ shake a person by the hand
She shook her son by the shoulders.她抓住儿子的肩膀猛摇(强烈谴责时的动作)
d. [从…]摇落…, 抖掉… < off, down> [off, from]
~ apples (down) from a tree将树上的苹果摇落
He removed his jacket and shook the snow off.他脱去夹克, 抖掉上面的雪
e. 摇出…< out>
~ out some pills into one's hand摇 (瓶子) 倒药丸到手中
f.[从…]摇动取出…[out of]
~ a cigarette out of packet摇动烟盒, 取出一根香烟
g.[在…上]撒 < 粉末等> [over, on]
~ pepper over meat把胡椒撒在肉上
h. 摇动…< 使成…状态>
~ oneself awake把自己摇醒
She shook herself [her arm] free from his grasp.她把身子[手臂]从他的搂抱中挣脱出来
i. 摇动… [使成…状态] [to, into]
He shook his hair into place.他摇动头发, 使其整齐
2 a. 抖落…
~ a coat (为除尘而) 抖动上衣
b. [朝…]挥 < 拳头、棍棒等> [at, in]
~ one's finger at a person [in a person's face]朝某人 [某人脸上] 挥动手指
The demonstrators shook their fists at the police.示威者朝警方人员挥动拳头
3 使…震动, 摇撼…
The explosion shook the house.爆炸使房屋震动
4 a. 使 < 信心、自信等> 动摇; 使 < 勇气、决心等> 削弱, 使…受挫
~ one's faith [the credit of a bank]使某人的信心 [银行的信用] 动摇
Nothing can ~ my belief in his integrity.什么也动摇不了我认为他为人诚实的信心
b. 使< 人> 惊慌失措, 使< 人> 吓一跳< up>
I'll bet that shook you (up)!.我敢打赌那使你吓了一跳
They were shaken (up) by the report.那项报告使他们震惊
c. 使< 人> 吃惊而 [从…状态中] 觉醒[out of]
~ a person out of his apathy使某人从冷漠的状态中振作起来
a. 除去 < 烦恼> , 治好< 疾病> , 摆脱< 恶习等> < off>
~ off one's feelings of guilt摒除某人的罪恶感
~ (off) a bad habit摆脱恶习
I can't ~ off my cold.我的感冒一直没治好
b. 摆脱 < 追踪者等> < off>
~ off reporters摆脱新闻记者
6 使 < 声音、乐音> 颤动, 以颤声唱
1 摇动, 摇晃, 震动
The earth shook violently.地面剧烈地震动
The trees shook in the wind.树在风中摇曳
2 a. (因寒冷、愤怒等而) 颤抖, 发抖
~ like a jelly [leaf]像冻子 [树叶] 似地微微颤抖
→ shake in one's shoes
He shook in every limb. (连手指、脚趾在内) 他浑身发抖
【同义字】 shake 震动 tremble 因恐惧、疲劳、寒冷, 不由自主地震颤 shiver 因恐惧、寒冷而瞬间性地震颤 quake 剧烈的兴奋或恐惧所引起的剧烈震颤 shudder 因恐惧而痉挛, 突然抽搐似地发抖 quiver 微微地抖动
b. [因寒冷、愤怒等而] 发抖[with, from]
She shook with cold [fear].她因寒冷 [恐惧] 而发抖
His hands shook from excitement.他的手因兴奋而发抖
c. < 人> [因笑而] 扭动身体, 捧腹而笑; < 肚皮、身体> [因笑而] 扭动[with]
He [His belly] shook with laughter.他扭著身体 [捧腹] 大笑
d. < 声音> 震颤; 使声音震颤, 以颤声唱
3 < 砂等> 抖落< off>
Sand ~s off easily.砂子容易抖落
4 < 信心等> 动摇; < 勇气等> 受挫
His courage [faith] began to ~.他的勇气 [信心] 开始衰退
Let's ~ and make up.让我们握手言和
shake a person by the hand = shake a person's hand = shake hands with a person
与人握手 shake down
(1) → v.t. 1 d
(2) 试航< 船只> , 试飞< 飞机> , 试用< 机器等> , 调整…
(3)(美俚)向…敲诈金钱, 勒索, 胁迫
(4)(美口语)彻底搜索 < 人身、场所等>
(5)< 人> 安定下来, 熟识 (周围的环境或人)
He will soon ~ down in his new job.他很快就会习惯于他的新工作
(6) 临时搭床铺睡觉 shake out
(1) → v.t. 1 e
(2) 摇动而使 < 旗子、桌布、手帕等> 展开, 抖开…
(3) 摇动而使 < 容器、口袋等> 变空, 掏空…
(4) 摇动而使 < 火柴等> 熄灭
(5) = shake up (5) shake up
(1) 摇动 < 液体、瓶子等> 使液体 (等) 混合; 调制 < 鸡尾酒等>
(2) 摇动 < 枕头、坐垫等> 以调整形状
(3) → v.t. 4 b
(4) 使< 某人> 奋起, 刺激< 某人> 使有所行动
He needs shaking up.他需要鞭策一下 (才能振作起来)
(5)(口语)大事改革 [革新] < 组织等> , 对…进行改组
1 a. 摇动, 摇一下
with a ~ of the head摇一摇头(表示“不”的动作)
give a pole a ~摇一下竿子
b. 握手
welcome a person with a hearty ~以诚摰的握手欢迎某人
2a. 震动, 动摇, 摇晃
b. (美口语)地震 (earthquake)
3 a. 颤抖
a ~ in one's voice声音的颤抖
He was all of a ~.他全身哆嗦著
b. [the ~s](口语) (因发烧、寒冷、酒精中毒等引起的) 发抖, 酷寒
4 (美口语)奶昔 (milk shake)
in two ~s (of a lamb's tail) = in a ~立刻, 立即
6 [a ~; 与形容词连用] (美口语)安排, 对待
give [get] a fair [good] ~给予公平的对待 [受到公平的对待]
7‘音乐’颤音 no great shakes< 人、物等> 没什么了不起的, 平凡的
He is no great ~s as a pianist.作为一位钢琴家, 他并不出色




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