

词汇 temptation
释义 temp.ta.tion[tɛmp`teʃən; tempˈteiʃn]《tempt 的名词》名词
1 (U)
a. 诱惑
fall into ~陷入诱惑, 受诱惑
lead a person into ~使人陷入诱惑
put [throw]~ in the way of a person企图[设计]诱惑某人
b. < 心想…的> 诱惑
He could not resist the ~ to steal.他经不起 [无法抗拒] 想要偷窃的诱惑
2 (C)
a. 诱惑物, 诱惑的魔手, 引诱人心之物
That candy is a ~.那糖果是一种诱惑
b. < 使…的> 诱惑物, 魔力
~s to commit a crime使人犯罪的诱惑




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