释义 |
tempt[tɛmpt; tempt]《源自拉丁文“试 (力) ”的意思》及物动词1 诱惑, 迷惑, 引诱, 勾引; 教唆a. 诱惑< 人> (陷入恶行、享乐之中)The serpent ~ed Eve.蛇诱惑了夏娃b. 诱惑< 人> [陷入恶行、享乐之中] [to, into]Nothing could ~ her to evil.什么也不能引诱她做坏事His friends ~ed him into gambling.他的朋友引诱他赌博c. 诱惑< 人> < 做…> The sight ~ed him to steal.看到那样子使他起了盗心2 a. 使< 人> 想[做…][into]The stand outside displayed various articles to ~ people into buying.外面的摊子摆出各色各样的商品诱使人买b. 将< 人> 诱 (出, 进等) , 诱使< 人> (…) < away, off, out> The fine weather ~ed me out.好天气诱我出去c. 诱使< 人> < 做…> The fine weather ~ed me to go out for a walk.好天气诱使我出去散步I am [feel] ~ed to try it again.我想再试它一次3 引起…之心; 引起 < 食欲等> ; 使…动心This dish ~s me.这道菜使我看了很想吃She was strongly ~ed by his offer.她深深地被他的求婚打动了心■ tempt fate [Providence]违背神意, 无视神明 (而冒险) , 冒大险Don't ~ fate!.不要卤莽行事!It is ~ing Providence to go out in this heavy snow.在这大雪之中出去实在是太冒险了 |