

词汇 entangle
释义 en.tan.gle[ɪn`tæŋgl; inˈtæŋɡl]及物动词
1 使< 线等> 纠缠
Loose string is easily ~d.松弛的线容易纠缠在一起
2 a. 使…缠住[in]
The fishline got ~d in the bushes.钓鱼线在灌木丛中缠住了
b. [~ oneself] (因自己的责任而) 被…缠住 [绊住] [in]
He ~d himself in the ropes he was laying.他被自己所搓的绳子缠住
3 a. 使< 人> 陷入 [陷阱、困难等] [in, with]
~ a person in an evil scheme使人陷入邪恶的阴谋中
He was ~d with a shady character.他和一个可疑人物有牵连
b. [~ oneself]陷于, 卷入[in, with]
He ~d himself indebt.他陷入债务中




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