

词汇 advance
释义 ad.vance《源自拉丁文“从以前”的意思》及物动词
1 推进; 使…前进[至…][to]
~ the minute hand 20 minutes把 (钟表的) 长针向前拨二十分钟
The general ~d his troops to the new position.将军把他的军队推进到新阵线
2 使< 人> [从…]晋升[到…][from][to]
He was ~d to the position of manager.他被擢升为经理
3 促进, 推进< 事>
~ growth促进成长
~ a scheme推进计画
4 把 < 时间、日期> [从…]提前[到…], 提早[from][to]
~ the time of the party from 10 o'clock to 9 o'clock将宴会时间由十点提前到九点
5 预付< 人> < 金钱> , 预支, 借贷, 垫付; 预付[某人]< 金钱> , 预支, 借贷, 垫付[to]
Will you ~ me two weeks' salary?.您可以预支给我两周薪水吗?
He made an ~ to her on her diamond ring.他因她用钻戒抵押而贷款给她
6 提出< 意见等>
Allow me to ~ another reason for my choice.请容我提出做这种选择的另一个理由
7(罕)提高< 价格>
~ price by 10 percent提高10%的价格
1 [朝…]前进, 推进 [to, toward (s) , on, upon, against]
She ~d to [toward(s)] the table.她走到 [走向] 桌子
He opened the the door and ~ed the room.他打开门走进房间
2 a. < 夜、季节> 加深
as the night ~s随著夜深
b. 增高 [年事] [in]
They were advancing in years.他们 (当时) 年事渐高
3 a. < 研究等> (顺利) 进展
Has civilization ~d during this century?.文明在这个世纪有进步么?
b. < 人> [知识、地位] 长进, 进步, 上进[in]
~ in life [in the world]
发迹, 在社会上成功, 出息
c. 晋升[到…][to]
He ~d to colonel.他晋升为上校
4 (罕)< 价格> 上涨
His stock ~d ten points.他的股票上涨了十点
1 前进, 进军
2 进步, 长进; < 交涉、工作等的> 进展; 增进
(→progress 2 【同义字】)
make some ~(s) in one's studies学业有所进步
an ~ in a task工作的进展
an ~ in health健康的增进
Science has made great ~ during that 20 century.科学在二十世纪有很大的进步
3 (时间的) 移行; 推进
the ~ of evening夜深, 夜阑
the ~ of old age迈入老境, 上年纪, 年迈
4 晋升, 提升; 发迹[in]
5 预付, 定金; 垫付款; 借贷款; 预借 [收] 款
an ~ on royalties预付的版税
make an ~ on wages预付工资
6[常 ~s]讨好, 巴结, 接近; (对女人的) 殷勤, 求爱, 示意
make ~ to somebody对某人献殷勤 [求爱]
7(罕)上涨 in advance(1) 在前面
The grey mare was in ~ throughout the rase.那匹灰雌马在比赛中一路领先
(2) 预先
I'll let you know in ~.我会预先通知你
(3) 以预付 [垫付] 方式
Can you give me some money in ~ ?.你能预付一点钱吗?
in advance of…
(1) 在 … 之前
pay a few days in ~ of the end of the month在月底的前二、三天支付
(2) 优于[人等], 比 … 进步
1 前进的, 先出发的, 在前的
an ~ party先遣部队
2 预先的
~ notice预告, 预先通知
~ sheets (书本的) 样张
~ booking(英) (旅馆、剧场等的) 预订
3 订金的, 预付的
an ~ payment预付 (款) , 订金




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