

词汇 next
释义 next[nɛkst; nekst]《源自古英语“最近的”的意思》形容词
1 (时间上)
a. [无冠词] (以现在为基准) 紧接著来的; 下面 [次] 的, 其次的(cf. last B 1)
~ Friday=on Friday ~在下星期五
~ week [month, year]下周 [下个月, 明年]
b. [常 the ~] (以一定时间为基准) 其次的, 下一个的
the ~ week [month, year]下一周 [月, 年]
2 [常 the ~] (顺序、排列等) 其次的, 下面的
the ~ chapter下一章
in the ~ place其次, 第二
He was the ~ person to come.他是第二个来的人
What is the ~ article?.还需要什么东西吗?
3 a. [常 the ~] (场所、位置) 最近的, 隔壁的, 邻接的
the ~ house隔壁人家, 邻家
the ~ but one [two]接著第二[三] (的)
b. 邻接[…]的, 在[…]隔壁的[to] (of. NEXTto)
a vacant lot ~ to the house邻接那栋房子的空地
the shop ~ to the corner街角 (算起) 第二家商店
the person ~ to him in rank [age]地位 [年龄] 仅次于他的人
asas the next fellow [man, woman]
I am as brave as the ~ fellow.我跟任何人一样勇敢; 我的勇气不亚于任何人
get next to﹍(美俚)
(1) 知道…, 开始明白…
(2) 与…变得亲近
next door在[…的]隔壁 (的) [to]
They live ~ door to us.他们住在我们的隔壁
~ door but one隔壁第二家
the people ~ door隔壁的人, 邻居
next door to﹍
(1) 接近 (某状态) 的, 近似的
His conduct is ~ door to madness.他的行为近似疯狂
(2) 几乎, 近乎
It is ~ door to impossible.那几乎不可能
next time
(1) 下一次
I'll visit the place ~ time.下一次我将访问那地方
(2) 下一次…时
Come to see me ~ time you are in town.下一次你进城时来看我
next to﹍
(1) → 3 b
(2) 几乎
in ~ to no time马上, 立刻
It is ~ to impossible.那几乎不可能
He eats ~ to nothing.他几乎什么都没吃
(the) next thing
第二, 其次 (the) next thing one knows
(口语)当醒来时, 不知不觉间
The ~ thing I knew, I was lying in a hospital bed.我醒来时发觉自己正躺在医院的病床上
1 a. 其次, 接著
N~, we drove home.接著我们开车回家
I like this best and that ~.我最喜爱这个, 其次是那个
What comes ~?.接下来是什么?
b. 在[…的]隔壁, 邻接[…][to]
He placed his chair ~ to mine.他把他的椅子放在我的 (椅子) 旁边
c. 次[于…][to]
He loved his dog ~ to his own sons.他爱他的狗仅次于爱他的儿子
2 下一次
When shall we meet ~?.下次我们什么时候见面?
the next best thing次于最好者, 次善之策[to]
A good book is the ~ best thing to a true friend.一本好书是仅次于真摰朋友的最佳东西
What next?→ what介系词
(古)次于…的[地]; 最接近…的[地]
come [sit] ~ him紧接著他来 [紧挨著他坐]
She was the ~ to appear.她是下一个出现的人
I will tell you in my ~.我会在下封信告诉你
N~, (please)!.下一位! (促人发问或进来时用)
To be concluded in our ~.下期续完
The ~ to youngest son was called Tim.倒数第二个儿子名叫提姆
next of kin→ kin名词 




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