

词汇 shade
释义 shade[ʃed; ʃeid]名词
1 a. (U) (光、阳光被物体遮住而形成的) 阴暗, 荫
There is not much ~ there.那里阴凉的地方不多
The tree gives a pleasant ~.这棵树 (在其树荫下) 提供了一块舒适阴凉的地方
【同义字】 shadow 光被遮住而形成的, 轮廓清楚的影子
b. [the ~]阴, 荫[of]
in the ~在阴暗处, 在树荫下
take a rest in the cool ~ of a forest在森林的阴凉处休息
c. [~s](文语)日暮, 微暗, 闇黑
the ~s of night夜幕
2 a. (C)[常构成复合字]遮光 (的东西) , 百叶窗; (灯) 罩, 屋檐
→sunshade, window shade.b. [~s](口语)太阳眼镜 (sunglasses)
3 a. (C) (常为同色彩的) 深浅, 色调, 色度
(→color A【同义字】)
a lighter ~ of green色度较浅的绿色
b. (U)[又作 ~s] (绘画、照片等的) 阴暗 (部分) , 阴影
This artist uses ~ to good effect.这位画家有效地利用阴影
The lights and ~s of this picture are well-balanced.这幅画的明暗配合得好 [明暗色调匀称]
4 (C) [意义等的] 细微差异, 微差[of]
appreciate delicate ~s of meaning辨别意义的微妙差异
5[a ~]
a. 极微, 少许, 几分[…], 少许[…][of]
with a ~ of curiosity略带好奇地
There was a ~ of humor in his voice.他的说话声中带有一点幽默
b. 少量地, 稍微, 一点点
The child is a ~ sulky.那个小孩有一点不高兴
This coffee is a ~ too bitter.这咖啡太苦了一点
a. (C)鬼魂, 幽灵b. [the ~s]阴间, 冥府 in the shade(1) → 1b
(2) 不显眼地, 被人遗忘地 put [throw, cast] ﹍in[into]the shade
使…不显眼, 打败…, 使…相形失色 [失去光彩]
He is put in the ~ by his more brilliant younger brother.他那位较能干的弟弟使他相形失色
Shades of﹍!
Shades of Joe DiMaggio! What a beautiful play! (他) 彷彿就是 Joe DiM aggio! 多么漂亮的一次比赛!
1 a. 使…成荫, 使…变暗
The trees ~ the house nicely.那些树木使房子变得阴凉 [房子周围绿树成荫]
A sullen look ~d his face.闷闷不乐的表情使他的脸蒙上阴影
b. [用…]遮住 < 眼睛、脸等> 以避 [光、热等] [from][with]
She ~d her face from the sun with her hand.她用手遮脸, 以避阳光
2 a. 给 < 画、照片等> 加上阴影 [明暗, 浓淡] < in>
~ in a portrait给肖像画加上阴影
b. 使 < 意见、意义等> 逐渐改变
3 (口语)将 < 价钱等> 稍微降低
He ~d the price (for me).他 (对我) 少算了些钱
< 色彩、意见、方法、意义等> [由…]逐渐变[为…]< off> [from][into]
red shading off into vermilion逐渐淡化为朱砂色的红色
The colors of the light ~d from blue into purple.光线的颜色由蓝逐渐变紫




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