

词汇 tell
释义 tell[tɛl; tel](told[told; tould])及物动词
【同义字】 tell 告诉的泛用字 inform 较 tell 郑重而正式 relate 叙述自己所看到或经验的事 report 将自己所调查的事报知他人
a. 讲 < 故事、事实等> , 说, 言, 话, 述
~ the truth说 实话
~ a lie说谎
b. 对< 人> 讲, 告诉
I will ~ you.我来告诉你
He asked where she lived and I told him.他问她的住处, 我告诉了他
(你且听我说)→ I (can) TELL you, You're TELLing me!c. 告诉< 人> …, 对< 人> 讲…; 告诉[人]…, [对人]讲…[to]
He told us his adventures. = He told his adventures tous.他告诉我们他的冒险故事
→ (I'll) tell you WHAT. pron.d. 对< 人> 说[…之事], 传达, 告诉[of, about]
He told me about his name.他把他名字的事讲给我听
I told him of her death.我把她的死讯告诉他
e. 告诉< 人> < …事>
He told me that he liked baseball.他告诉我他喜欢棒球
He told me that he had finished reading the book.他告诉我他已读完那本书
So she told me.她如此告诉我
I told you so!.你看, 我早就说 过的(你就是不听我的话)!
f. 告诉< 人> …, 告知
T~ me when you will leave London.告诉我你何时要离开伦敦
She will ~ you what to do.她会教你怎么做
2 吩咐< 人> < 做…> , 叫, 命令, 叮咛
He told me not to drive too fast.他叫我 (开车) 不要开得太快
I was told to wear a suit.我被吩咐要穿成套的衣服
Do as you are told.照被吩咐地去做 [叫你怎么做, 你就怎么做]
3 知道
a. 知道…, 懂…
He cannot ~ (the) time yet.他还看不懂 (钟表上的) 时间
I can ~ the time from the position of the sun.我可以从太阳的位置知道时刻
You can ~ him by his voice.你可以从他的声音听得出是他
b. 看得出< …事>
One can ~ (that) she is intelligent.任何人都看得出她聪明
c. 知道 < 如何…>
He couldn't ~ what to do.他不知道怎么办才好
There is no ~ing when he may come.他何时会来, 不得而知
Nobody can ~ what it is.谁也说不清它是什么
4 分辨
a. [在两者之间] 辨别 < 差异等> , 识别, 辨识[between]
You'll not be able to ~ the difference between them.你 (永远) 无法辨别他们之间的差异
b. 辨别…[from]
I can't ~ one twin from the other.我无法辨别这对双胞胎哪个是哪个
c. 识别 < apart>
~ the twins apart识别双胞胎
d. _] 辨别 < …与否>
I cannot ~ whether it is true (or not).我无法辨别那是否真实
5 a. < 物> 表露, 显示, 表示
Her face told her grief.她脸上流露著忧伤
This signpost ~s the way to New York.这个路标指示前往纽约的路
The clock ~s the time.时钟报时间
b. < 物> 对< 人> 显示< …>
A line of pink on the eastern horizon told me that daybreak was near.东边地平线上的一道淡红光线使我知道天快要亮了
6(古)点数, 计算
→ tell one's BEADS all told → tell 成语不及物动词
1 a. < 人> 讲[…之事], 叙述, 说[of, about]
I'll ~ about [of] it.我来讲这件事
b. < 物> 显示[…], 表露[of]
His hands ~ of heavy labor.他的双手显示他干的是粗活
2 密告 [他人之事] , 告发; 泄密; 搬弄是非, 打小报告[on]
Did he promise not to ~?.他答应过不泄密吗?
Helen told on her sister Mary.海伦打妹妹玛丽的小报告
3 a. 奏效; 发生作用, 影响; < 炮弹等> 命中
His experience will ~ in the end.他的经验终究会发挥作用
Money is bound to ~.钱一定不会白花的 [花了钱就一定有效果]
Every shot told.百发百中
b. [对…]奏效; [对人、健康等] 发生作用, 给予影响[on, upon]
His age is beginning to ~ on [upon] him.他开始显得衰老了
c. [对…不利地] 发生作用[影响][against]
Everything told against him.事事对他不利
4 知道, 辨别
You can never ~.这可就不知道了, 谁都拿不准
Nobody can ~.=Who can ~?.谁晓得
You never can ~. (将来之事) 谁也不知道 [不能断定]
You can't always ~ from appearances.你不能老是从外表来分辨
all told
合计, 总共
There were fifty of them, all told.他们合计有五十人
I (can) tell you
的确, 真地, 诚然
The movie is worth seeing, I can ~ you.那部电影的确值得一看
Tell me another
(口语)我不相信, 我想你是在开玩笑吧 tell off
(1)申斥, 责骂
Betty was told off for being late.贝蒂因迟到而挨骂
(2)‘军’分派< 人等> [工作][for]; 分派< 人等> < 去做…>
Some of the soldiers were told off for guard duty.有些士兵被分派卫兵勤务
You're telling me!
(口语) (不用你说) 我清楚得很!




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