

词汇 telephone
释义 tel.e.phone[`tɛləˌfon; ˈtelifoun]名词
1 (U)[常 the ~]电话
speak to a person over [on] the ~ = speak to a person by ~用电话跟人谈话
call a person on the ~打电话给某人
call a person to the ~叫某人听电话
You are wanted on the ~.有你的电话
We are not on the ~.(英)我们没装[没有]电话 (机)
2 (C)电话机
a public ~公共电话
a pushbutton ~按钮 [按键] (式) 电话机
have a ~ installed装电话 (机)
May I use your ~?.我可以 (借) 用你的电话吗?
电话的, 有关电话的
a ~ girl(英)电话接线小姐
a ~ operator电话接线生
a ~ message电话谈话 [口信]
a ~ set电话机
a ~ subscriber电话用户
1 打电话
a. 向 < 人、地方等> 打电话, 打 < 电话号码>
~ a person [London]打电话给某人 [到伦敦]
b. 以电话通知< 人> < 消息等> ; 以电话传< 消息等> [给人][to]
I ~d him congratulations. =I ~d congratulations to him.我打电话向他道贺
c. 打电话给< 人> [求…] [for]
I ~d my teacher for advice.我打电话向老师请教
d. 打电话通知< 人> < 做…>
He ~d the police to come at once.他打电话请警察立刻来
e. 打电话告知< 人> < 某事>
I ~d him that I would visit him this evening.我打电话告诉他我晚上要去拜访他
2 以电话打给< 人> < 贺电等> ; 以电话打 < 贺电等> [给人][to]
~ a person a congratulatory telegram = ~ a congratulatory telegram to a person以电话委托电信局发贺电给某人
1 打电话[给人][to]
~ to a person打电话给某人
2 打电话
He ~d to say that he wanted to see me.他打电话 (来) 说他想见我
3 打电话叫 [求] […][for]
~ for a taxi [a doctor]打电话叫计程车 [请医生]
telephone in
以电话发出< 新闻等>




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