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fall[fɔl; fɔ:l]不及物动词(fell[fl; fel]; fall.en[`fln; 'f:ln])A1 (因重力而无意地) 落下a. < 人、物> 落下~ to the ground (with a thud) (砰然) 跌落地上~ off [(down) from] a ladder从梯子上跌落~ off one's chair从椅子上跌落; (口语)非常吃惊 [有趣]~ out of a car从车上跌落~ over a cliff从悬崖坠落~ down the stairs从楼梯掉落He fell into [in] the river.他掉进河里There was a big hole and he fell in.那里有个大洞, 他掉进去了b. < 雨、雪等> 下, 降The snow was ~ing fast.雪下得很急c. < 东西> 脱落; < 叶子> 掉落, < 花等> 散落; < 头发> 脱落The poster fell down.海报掉下来了2 (尤指突然、不情愿地) 倒下a. 倒下, 跌下; (自动) 倒下, 跪下flat [full length] on the grass平卧在草地上~ over a stone碰到石头而跌倒The tree fell (over) in the storm.那棵树在暴风雨中倒下~ on one's knees跪下来b. 倒下< 成…状态> < down> She fell down senseless on the ground.她倒在地上不省人事c. (受伤 [被击中] 而) 倒下; (因战斗等而) 死亡~ in battle阵亡Many soldiers fell under the enemy's bombardment.许多士兵在敌人的轰击下死亡Two lions fell to his gun.两头狮子被他的枪击倒d. 倒下< 成…的状态> < down> The deer fell (down) dead.那头鹿倒下而死了e. < 建筑物、桥等> 坍塌, 倒塌~ in two [asunder]倒塌成两半 [崩散]f. < 要塞、城市等> 陷入 [敌人等手里] , 陷落 [to, under]The city fell to the enemy [under the assault].该城陷入敌人手中 [在攻击下陷落]g. < 国家、政府等> 垮台, 瓦解, 灭亡h. [由高位] 降下, 失势[from]~ from power失去权力The Prime Minister fell from favor with the people.那位首相失去民心 [人民的支持]3 a. < 头发、衣服等> 垂在[…] [over, down] ; 垂下[到…][to]; [从…]垂下[from]Her veil fell over her shoulders.她的面纱垂在肩上with her hair ~ing down her back她头发垂背The curtain ~s to the floor.窗帘垂到地上The dress fell in pleats from the waist.那件衣服自腰部摺垂下来b. < 土地等> [朝…]倾斜, 下斜[to, toward]The land ~s gently to [toward] the beach.那块地平缓地朝海滩倾斜4 a. < 计量器 (的水银) 、温度、压力等> 下降[到…] [to, below]The temperature [It] fell 5.℃ [to zero, below freezing] .温度下降了五度 [到零度, 到冰点以下]b. < 河> 降水位[到…]; < 河的水位> 降[到…] [to, below]c. < 洪水等> 减退; < 潮水> 退落d. < 风力等> 减弱, 平静; < 火势> 变弱The wind has fallen during the night.风力在夜间已减弱了e.< 声音等> 降低[到…][to]Their voices fell (to a whisper).他们的声音降低 (成耳语)f. < 价值> 下跌, < 需要> 减少The price fell sharply [by ten cents].价格暴跌 [跌一毛]The yen fell against the dollar yesterday.昨天日圆对美元的汇率下跌g. < 声望等> 下跌; < 人、物> 评价下降His popularity has fallen.他的声望已经下降5 a. < 眼睛、视线> 朝下Her eyes fell.她双眼低垂b. < 脸色> 变阴沉, 垂头丧气; < 力气> 衰退; < 心情> 沮丧His face [spirits] fell at the news of his mother's illness.听到母亲生病的消息, 他的脸色沈了下来 [他心情沮丧]6 < 声音、话> [从口里] 说出, 透露 [from, out of]The news fell from his lips.这则消息由他嘴里透露出来7 a. < 黑暗、寂静等> (由上降下似地) 降临[…][on, upon, over]Dusk fell on the harbor.暮色降临港口A silence [calm] fell over [upon] us.我们都沈默下来b. < 灾难、报仇等> 降临[于…][on, upon, over]His wrath fell on her.他的怒气冲著她Tragedy fell upon him.悲剧降临到他身上8 a. < 箭、光等> 射[在…][on, upon]The arrow fell on its target.那支箭射在靶上b. < 眼睛、视线等> (偶然) 落[在…][on, upon]The teacher's eyes fell onme.老师的视线落在我身上9 a. < 负担、义务、工作等> 落在 […身上] , [由…]负担 [on, upon, to]All the expenses [responsibility] will ~ on you.所有的费用[责任]全由你负担 [肩负]It fell on [upon] me [tome, to my lot] to do the job.这项工作落在我身上b. < 签等> 碰到[某人], [某人]中 < 签> [on, upon]The lot [choice] fell upon him.他中签 [中选]10 a. < 季节等> 来临Easter ~s late in March this year.今年的复活节在三月下旬到来b. 碰到 [某日] , 适逢[on]On what day of the week does Christmas ~ this year (今年的耶诞节是星期几)Thanksgiving Day ~s on the fourth Thursday in November.感恩节适逢十一月的第四个星期四c. (偶然) 到来if riches ~ in my way如果我碰巧发了财d. < 财产等> (碰巧) 移归[某人]所有[to]The property has fallen to his daughter.那笔财产碰巧归他女儿所有e. < 重音> 落[在…][on]The accent of " familiar" ~s on the second syllable. " familiar" .这个字的重音落在第二个音节11 a. 被置于 [某种立场、状态] , 属于; 划入 [某范围] [into, under, within] ~ under foreign domination 在外国的支配下The story ~s naturally into four parts.该故事自然分成四部分The issue ~s under another category.那个问题属于另一个范畴b. 偶然加入 [某团体] ; 遇到 [盗贼等] , 被包围[among]12 屈服于诱惑, 堕落; < 女人> 失身→ FALLEN woman.B1 变成 < …的状态、关系> ~ sick [ill]生病~ silent变得沉默~ asleep睡著■ ~ (a) prey [ (a) victim] to﹍成为…猎取的食物 [牺牲品]■ ~ in love with﹍爱上…2 陷入 [不好的状态] , 落入, 加入[into]~ into a doze打起瞌睡~ into a rage勃然大怒~ into poverty陷入贫困~ into bad company加入坏的一伙人中3 a. 开始[…][to, into]~ towork [working]开始工作~ into conversation with﹍ 与…开始交谈b. (古)开始< 做…> ■ fall about捧腹大笑■ fall about a person's ears→ ear■ fall about laughing [with laughter]= FALL about■ fall all over﹍(口语)过于奉承< 某人> ; 卑躬屈膝地侍候■ fall all over one self= FALL over oneself■ fall apart(1)< 东西> 散开, 崩坏(2) < 计画、同盟等> 瓦解, 失败(3)< 两人> 断绝关系■ fall astern→ astern■ fall away(1)[从…]脱落[from](2)[从…]分离; 遗弃[…], [从…]撒手, 脱离[from]All his men fell away.他的部下全都离他而去(3)< 数量等> 减[至…][to]~ away to nothing减至无(4)< 事情> 衰微[到…]; < 人> 消瘦; 消失[to, into]~ away to a shadow瘦得不成人形(成为一个影子)~ away into disuse变成不用, 废除(5)< 土地> (突然) 倾斜■ fall back(1)< 群众等> 后退; < 军队> 撤退(2) 退缩(3) 回到 [原来的不良状态] , 倒退, 落后[into]■ fall back on[upon](1) (当作最后办法而) 投靠…, 依靠…All he had to ~ back on was his own experience.他所能依靠的是他自己的经验(2)‘军’退守…, 撤退而以…为据点■ fall behind(1) 比…落后, 被…赶过去She fell slightly behind the others.她比其他人稍微落后(2) (较其他) 迟(3) [支付、传递等] 慢; 拖欠 [帐单等的] 付款[in, with]~ behind in [with] one's bills [payments]拖欠付帐 [付款]■ fall down(1) → A 1a(2) → A 1c(3) → A 2b(4) → A 2d(5) (表示敬意或崇拜神而) 跪拜, 叩头(6)< 建筑物等> 倒塌(7) < 计画、主张等> 失败■ fall down on﹍(口语)失败, 受挫■ ~ down on the job工作失败■ ~ down on one's promises违约, 食言■ fall for﹍(口语)(1) 爱上< 某人、某物> ; 对< 某人、某物> 倾心, 迷恋He fell for Ann in a big way.他很迷恋安(2) 中 < 计> , 上 < 宣传等> 的当, 受人的骗He fell for the trick.他中计了■ fall in(1) → A 1a(2) < 屋顶等> 塌陷; < 地层> 下陷(3) < 面颊、眼睛等> 漥下去, 凹进去(4) < 借用期限等> 到期(5) < 贷款> 到偿还的日期(6)‘军’排队(7)‘军’使< 士兵> 排队■ fall in alongside [beside] ﹍在 < 步行者> 的旁边开始走fall in with﹍(1) 偶然遇见< 某人> , 遇到< 某人> 而在一起(◆可用被动语态)He fell in with a group of foreign visitors on the trip.他在旅途中偶然遇到一群外国游客(2) 赞同, 同意 < 想法、提案等> ; 赞成< 某人> (3) 与…符合fall off(1) → A 1a(2) 脱落(3)[从…]离开, 脱离[from](4)< 数量等> 减少Attendance [Production] fell off.出席人数 [产量] 减少(5) < 热忱> 减退, < 健康> 衰退; (品质) 降低; < 人> 消瘦Their enthusiasm is beginning to ~ off.他们的热忱开始减退■ fall on hard times [evil days]遭遇厄运, 落魄Business has fallen on evil days.事业陷入不景气■ fall out(1) 掉落外面(2) 失和, 吵架[with]She often ~s out with her neighbors.她常常和邻居吵架(3) 结果是It (so) fell out that I could not be present.结果变成我不能出席(4) 发生Everything fell out well.一切进行顺利(5)‘军’离队, 解散队伍(6)‘军’使 < 队伍> 解散■ fall over backward→ backward副词■ fall over each other [one another][为求…而]争先恐后[for]■ fall over oneself急于, 煞费苦心< 做…> ■ fall short (of﹍)→ short adv■ fall through(1) (从开的洞孔等) 掉下去(2)< 计画等> 归于失败, 不能实现穿过…而落下■ fall to(1) 开始 (用餐、工作等) , 开始吃; 展开攻击, 开始打架The boy fell to with a hearty appetite.那个男孩津津有味地吃起来(2)< 门等> 自动关闭■ fall wide of﹍■ let fallA1 (C)a. 落下, 降落, 坠落; 落下的东西have a ~ from a horse坠马, 自马背上跌下b. 落下的距离, 落差[of]a waterfall with a ~ of 100 feet落差一百呎的瀑布2 (C)a. (雨等的) 落下, 降雨, 降雪a heavy ~ of snow一场大雪b. 降雨 [降雪] 量[of]a two-inch ~ of snow两吋的降雪量3 (C)a. 跌倒, 跌跤He had [took] a bad ~.他重重地跌了一跤b. (建筑物等的) 倒塌c. 没落, 衰落, 灭亡, 瓦解; 陷落the ~ of the Roman Empire罗马帝国的灭亡the ~ of Paris巴黎的陷落d. 沦落; 堕落a ~ from favor失宠4 [温度等的] 下降, 降低, [物价的] 下跌[in, of]a ~ in prices [temperature]物价 [温度] 的下降Has there been much ~ in your income?.你的收入大减了吗?5[~s]瀑布These ~s are 30 ft. high.这些瀑布有三十呎高Niagara Falls is receding.尼加拉瀑布逐渐在后退6(C)倾斜, 下坡, 坡度, 斜度7 a. (U)下垂 (物)b. (C) (衣裙的) 宽下摆c. (C) (女用) 长垂的假发8(C)‘角力’压倒胜; 一回合的比赛B《源自 fall of the leaf (落叶) 的意思》 [通常(美)或特定时为 the ~] (美)秋季 (autumn)in (the) ~在秋天in the ~ of 1985在 1985 年秋天They got married last ~.他们去年秋天结婚the Fall (of Man)人类的堕落(Adam 与 Eve 的原罪; cf. original sin)1try a fall较量一番; 作战, 决一胜负[with]形容词(美)秋 (天) 的, 秋季的; 适合秋天的the ~ term秋季的学期~ goods秋季货品~ winds秋风 |