

词汇 note
释义 note[not; nout]《源自拉丁文“ (做) 记号”的意思》名词
1 (C)
a. 摘记, 记录
make [take] a ~ of﹍ 记录…, 摘录, 记下
b. [常 ~s]备忘录, 笔记; 原稿
take ~s作笔记
speak from ~s [without ~s ]看 [不看] 原稿演说 [发言]
She left a ~ to [for] her husband.她留了一张便条给她的丈夫
He made ~s for his lecture on a scrap of paper.他在一张纸上记下讲课的大纲
2 (C)
a. (简单的) 短笺
a thank-you ~谢函
a threatening ~恐吓信
Drop me a ~.请给我一封短笺
b. (外交上的) 通牒, 照会
3 (C) (本文的) 注, 注解
a marginal ~栏外的注解, 旁注
→ footnote
~s to a text本文的注解
4 (C)
a. (英)纸币, 钞票( (美)bill)
a ten-pound ~十英镑纸币
b. 票据; 期票
a. (乐器的) 音, 调子, 音色b. (鸟的) 叫声c. 口气, 语调; […的]样子, 特徵[of]
There was a ~ of anxiety in his voice.他的声音带有不安的口气
Her voice took on a sudden bitter ~.她的声音带著一股出乎意料的辛酸语气
I was hailed by a voice which struck a familiar ~.我被一种熟悉的声音叫住
d.‘音乐’音符; (钢琴等的) 键 (key)
strike a ~ on a piano (敲键) 在钢琴上弹出某音
6(C) (句号等的) 符号, 记号 (mark)
7(U)注意, 注目 (notice)
worthy of ~值得注意
take ~ (of﹍) 注意到 [注目] …
Take ~ (of) what color the traffic signal is.注意交通号志是什么颜色
8(U)[of ~]
a. 著名, 有名
a person of ~有名的人, 名人
a poet of ~著名的诗人
b. 众所周知; 重要的事
a matter of (some) ~ (颇) 为人所知的事; (相当) 重要的事
compare notes
交换意见 [消息] ; 彼此述说感想[with]
We compared ~s [I compared ~s with him] on our trips to America.我们 [我和他] 就这次美国之行互谈感想
make a mental note
(1) 铭记…, 牢记…[of]
(2) 惦记著< 做…>
He made a mental ~ to ask his boss what was wrong.他惦记著要问老板怎么了
strike a note of﹍
发出…的论调, 提倡
He struck a ~ of warning against rearmament.他发出警戒重整军备的论调
strike the right note
发表适切的见解, 采取适宜的态度
1 笔录, 记下< down>
The students ~d down every word the professor said.学生们记下教授说的每一句话
2 a. 注意, 留意
N~ what I say.留意我所说的话
b. 注意< …之事> , 特别提及
N~ that the homework must be finished within a week.注意习题须在一周内做完
c. 注意 [特别提到] …
The newspaper does not ~ what happened then.报纸没有特别提到那时发生什么事
N~ well how I do it [how to do it].好好注意看我怎么做 [如何做]
3 a. 发觉 [注意到, 认出] …
She ~d a change in his behavior.她注意到他态度的转变
b. 发觉…< 做…> , 注意到
He ~d a numbness creeping into his fingers.他发觉一种麻木的感觉蔓延到他手指头
c. 发觉< …事> , 注意到
Mother ~d that my sweater was dirty with mud.母亲发觉我的毛衣被污泥弄脏了




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