

词汇 nose
释义 nose[noz; nouz]名词
1 (C)
a. 鼻子
the bridge of the ~鼻梁
a long ~高 [长] 鼻子
a short [flat] ~塌鼻子
a cold in the ~ (鼻塞、流鼻涕的) 感冒
hold one's ~ (因臭而) 捂住鼻子
【同义字】 muzzle 狗、马等的鼻子 snout 猪等的鼻子 trunk 象的鼻子
b. (动物的) 鼻口部分
2 [one's ~] (象徵好奇心、管闲事的) 鼻子; 干涉
put [poke, thrust] one's ~ in to﹍干涉 [插嘴] …
keep one's ~ out of﹍ 不干涉 [不插嘴] …
3 [a ~]
a. 嗅觉
a dog with a good [poor] ~嗅觉灵敏 [不灵] 的狗
b. [嗅出事物的] 嗅觉能力, 直觉, 知觉力[for]
He has a good ~ for a secret [for scenting bits of gossip].他有探知秘密 [流言蜚语] 的敏锐直觉
4 (C)像鼻子般突出的部分
a. (管子、圆筒等的) 前端; 枪口b. 船头c. (飞机的) 机首d.汽车 (等) 的前端
5(C)(俚)警方的密探, 探员
(as) plain as the nose on [in] one's face极为明显, 一清二楚
by a nose
(1)‘赛马’以一鼻之差 (定输赢)
win by a ~以一鼻之差获胜
(2) 以极微之差, 勉强地 cannot see beyond [further than] the end of one's nose
看不到 [不知道] 离鼻子更远的东西, 鼠目寸光
(缺乏想像力、洞察力) count noses
清点 (出席者、赞成者等的) 人数; (仅) 依人数决定事情 cut off one's nose to spite one's face
跟自己过不去; 赌气而做出对自己不利的事 follow one's nose
(1) (朝鼻子方向) 直走
Just follow your ~ as far as the corner and turn right.向前直走到转角处向右转
(2)[为求…而]依本能行动[on] get up a person's nose
使人焦躁, 触怒某人 have one's nose in a book
have [hold, keep] one's nose at [to] the grindstone
(1) 孜孜不倦地用功, 不断地在苦干
(2) [ (a person's nose) ] 任意驱使 (人) keep one's nose clean
(口语)使自己不卷入纠纷 [麻烦] lead a person by the nose
牵著某人的鼻子走, 随意控制< 某人>
【字源】像牛或骆驼鼻子有穿环不得不被人牵著走一般, 意志强的人按照自己的意思来役使一些没有主见的人. 莎士比亚 (Shakespeare) 名剧“奥赛罗 (Othello) ”中依阿高 (Iago) 谈到他的主人奥赛罗时有下面的一句 The Moor﹍ will as tenderly be led by the nose as asses are. (这个摩尔人 (指奥赛罗) …将温驯得像只驴子, 可以牵著他的鼻子走) look down one's nose
(口语)轻视[…], 瞧不起[…][at] make a long nose(美)
(1) 把拇指搁在鼻端, 其他手指张开摆动[对人]表示轻蔑, 鄙视[at]
(2) 愚弄[某人][at] nose to nose
面对面地 on the nose
(口语)正好, 准确地 (exactly) pay through the nose
(口语)[为求…而]付出不合理的巨款, 被大敲竹杠[for] put one's nose at[to]the grindstone
孜孜不倦地用功, 不断地埋头苦干 put a person's nose out of joint
(口语)将人撵走, 排挤某人的职位, 夺走某人的爱, 伤害某人的感情, 破坏某人的计画 rub a person's nose in it [the dirt]
粗暴地惩处某人以提醒他别忘记自己所犯的错误 thumb one's nose
(英)愚弄[人][at] turn up one's nose
轻视; 鄙视, 瞧不起[at] under a person's (very) nose = under the nose of a person
(1) 就在某人的面前 [眼前]
(2) 不顾他人地, 公然地, 恬不知耻地 with one's nose at[to]the grindstone
费力地, 辛苦工作地
1 a. 闻到…, 嗅出< out>
The cat ~d out a mouse.那只猫嗅出老鼠的气味
b. 探出, 搜出< out>
He ~s a profit in everything.他从每件事中找出有利于自己的事
2 a. 将鼻子对著…擦
b. 用鼻 (尖) 把…推 < 向…>
The dog ~d the box aside.那只狗用鼻尖把盒子推开
c. 用鼻子把…推成< …状态>
The dog ~d the door open.那只狗用鼻子把门推开
3 [~ one's way]< 船等> (很小心地、慢慢) 前进
The ship ~d her [its] way cautiously through the fog.船在雾中缓慢小心地前进
1 a. 嗅[…][at]
~ at a bone < 狗等> 嗅骨头
b. 到处探查, 四处打听
He's always nosing about [around].他总是到处探听他人的事
The dog kept nosing about the garden.那只狗在花园里不断地嗅来嗅去
2 a. 查问, 探听[…][after, for]
b. 干涉[…][into]
Don't ~ into other people's affairs.别干涉他人的事
3 < 船等> (很小心地) 在…前进
The boat ~d carefully between the rocks.那条船在岩石间缓慢小心地前进
nose down[up]
‘航空’将 (机首) 朝下[上] nose out
(1) → v.t. 1
(2)‘赛马’以一鼻之差胜过< 对方>
(3)(美)以些微之差胜过< 对方> , 险胜 nose over




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