

词汇 view
释义 view[vju; vju:]《源自古法语“看见”的意思》名词
1 (U)视力; 可看见的状态[范围], 视界, 视野
a field of ~视野
be in (plain) ~ < 东西> 看得见 [看得清清楚楚]
We turned a corner and came in ~ of the house [and the house came into ~].我们转过街角便看见那栋房子
Soon the plane disappeared from ~ [passed out of ~, was lost to (our) ~].不久那飞机便不见了 [从视线中消失了, 从 (我们的) 视野消失了]
Try to keep that car in ~.设法使那辆车子保持在视线之内
He did it in full ~ of the public.他在众目睽睽之下做了那件事
There was no tree any where with in ~.放眼所极之处都没有树木
2 [用单数]
a. 观看, 眺望, 参观[of]
a private ~预展
It was our first ~ of the ocean.这是我们第一次看到海洋
If you go up there, you can get a better ~ of the parade.如果你上去那边, 你可以更清楚地看到游行队伍
b. 概观, 通览, 概说[of]
A V~ of English Grammar“英文文法概说”
a concise ~ of contemporary literature当代文学简要概论
3 (C)
a. 光景, 景色, 景物, 眺望
a distant ~远景
quiet rural ~s宁静的田园风景
The place has a fine ~ of the lake.从那个地方可看到湖泊的美丽景色
From the road there was no ~ of the beach.从那条路上看不到海滩
【同义字】 view 从某地点所看到的景色或光景 sight 视觉所见的光景原貌 scene 特定地点的景色 scenery 一个地方自然风景的全貌
b. 风景画[照片]; 展望图
a postcard with a ~ of the town有那个小镇风景的明信片
a back [front] ~背[正]面图
a perspective ~透视图
4 (C) (特定的) 看法, 想法[of]
take a general ~ of﹍ 概观
take the long ~ of﹍ 从长远的眼光来看
take a dark [favorable] ~ of﹍对…抱悲观[有利]的看法
→ take a DIM view (of﹍)
He presented quite a new ~ of the affair.他对那件事提出了相当新的看法
a. [对于…的] (个人之) 意见, 见解, 想法[on, about] (→ opinion【同义字】)
take a different ~持不同的意见
My father had strong ~s about lying.我父亲对撒谎有强烈的反感(认为是严重的事情)
What are your ~s on his proposal ?.你对他的提议有什么意见 ?
In my ~, she was imprudent.依我看, 她未免太轻率了
b. < …的> 意见, 想法
They persisted in the ~ that the earth was flat.他们坚持认为地球是平的
6 目的, 计画; 期待, 希望; 考虑
a project in ~考虑中的计画
with this [that] ~为了这[那]个目的
→ with a VIEW to
leave﹍out of ~ 不把…列在考虑中
I have nothing in ~ for tomorrow.我明天没有任何预定的计画
He has only money in ~.他想的只是钱
I will meet [fall in with] your ~s on this matter.(文语)关于这件事我会照你的意愿去办的
in view of﹍
(1) → 1
(2) 由于, 鉴于
In ~ of the board's disapproval we have dropped the plan.由于理事会的反对, 我们已放弃了该计画
on view
展示中, 展览中
Dresses of the latest fashion are now on ~.最新流行的女装现正展示 [展销] 中
point of view→ point with a view to﹍
为了…, 为…的目的
We have established the institute with a ~ to diffusing scientific knowledge.为了传播科学知识我们设立了这个机构
1 a. 观看…, 眺望…
~ a play [film]看戏 [电影]
b. 调查; 检讨; 检视
~ a house查看一栋房子 (看值不值得买)
c. (口语)在 < 电视上> 看到
2 a. 看[in, with]; [从某观点来] 看[from]
He doesn't ~ this matter in the same light.他对这件事有不同的看法
We ~ the policy with skepticism.我们对此政策表示怀疑
The problem must also be ~ed from the employer's angle.这问题也须从雇主的角度来看
b. (以某种态度) 看, 考虑
The project was ~ed favorably by the committee.那计画受到该委员会的好评
c. 把…看作< …>
These cases are ~ed as models.这些案例被视为典范
1 看电视
2 检视




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