

词汇 revelation
释义 rev.e.la.tion[ˌrɛvl`eʃən; ˌrevəˈleiʃn]《reveal 的名词》名词
1 (U) (原来未知之事、秘密等的) 透露, 泄露, 揭露; 暴露, 显示, 发觉[of]
the ~ of the thief's hiding place小偷窝藏处的暴露
2 a. (C)被暴露的事物; 意外的新事实
It was a ~ to me.那是一件我所始未料及的事
What a ~!.多么意外的事!
b. [the ~]…这项事实的发现
The ~ that he was the murderer surprised us.他就是凶手这个事实使我们感到惊讶
3 a. (U)‘基督教’天启, 上天的启示, 默示
b. [the R~, (the) Revelations; 当单数用]
The Apocalypse, The Revelati on of St. John the Divine.‘圣经’圣约翰 (的) 启示录
(圣经新约的最后一书; 略作 Rev.)




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