

词汇 return
释义 re.turn[rɪ`tʒn; riˈtə:n]《源自拉丁文“向后弯曲”的意思》不及物动词
1 a. 归, 回, 返
What time does he ~?.他几点回来?
b. 回 (到…) , 返 (抵…)
My father will~ home from Europe next month.我父亲下个月将从欧洲返国
They have ~ed to Boston.他们已返抵波士顿
2 a. 恢复
Consciousness ~ed gradually.知觉逐渐恢复过来
b. 恢复 [原状] [to]
~ to the old customs恢复旧习惯
~ to power重掌政权
~ to life复生, 活 过来
~ to oneself醒悟过来, (从茫然自失之中) 苏醒
c. 回 [到原先的话题等] [to]
We shall ~ to this point later.我们稍后再回到这个问题
3 < 季节、疾病等> 再来, 再发生, 复发
The bad weather has ~ed.坏天气又来了
1 还, 交还, 归还, 送回
a. 归还, 复归< 物>
Don't forget to ~ the money you borrowed.别忘了把你借的钱归还
b. 将< 物> 归还 [原主、原处等] , 复归[to]
The catcher ~ed the ball to the pitcher.捕手把球还给投手
c. 将< 物> 还[人][to]; 还< 人> < 物>
Please ~ to me [~ me] the umbrella I lent you the other day.请把日前我借你的雨伞还给我
2 a. 报答…, 以…还礼, 回 (报) 以…
~ thanks(饭前) 祷告感谢; (对乾杯等) 致词答谢
~ a favor [compliment]回馈 [赞]
~ a visit答访
b. [对于…]回 (报) 以…[for]; 报…[with]
~ evil for good=~ good with evil以怨报德
3 a. [对于…]回答, 做 < 答> [to]
Tomy question he ~ed no reply.对于我的问题他没有回答
b. 回答说…
" You are welcome, " he ~ed.他回答说 :“不客气”
4 a. (正式地) 报告…, 申报…, 呈报…
He didn't ~ [failed to ~] all of his income.他没有 [忽略] 申报总收入
b. < 陪审团> 宣告< 判决>
The jury ~ed a verdict of guilty [not guilty].陪审团宣告有罪 [无罪]
c. 评定< 某人> < 为…> , 答覆
The prisoner was ~ed guilty.被告被宣告有罪
5 产生 < 利息、利益等>
The bazaar has ~ed a fairly good profit.义卖获利颇多
6 a. < 选区> 选出, 再选出< 某人>
A Conservative candidate was ~ed.有一名保守党候选人获选
b. 选< 某人> [为议员、政府首长等] [to]; [从选区] 选出< 某人> [for]
He was ~ed to Parliament for Bath.他由巴玆市选出为国会议员
7‘网球’将 < 对方打来的球> 击回 to return (to the subject)言归正传, 闲话休讲
1 a. 归来, 回来, 返家, 回家[to, from]
a ~ home回家, 回国
We are looking forward to your ~ to Taiwan [from America].我们盼望著你返回台湾 [自?k来]
On his ~ he learned that his mother had died.他一回到家才知道母亲已过世
b. (又作return ticket) (C)(英)来回票(cf. single n. 4)
a day [weekend] ~当天 [周末] 有效的来回票
2 回归, 恢复, 复发, 再发[of]
the ~ of the seasons季节的循环
Many [I wish you many] happy ~s (of the day)!.祝你寿比南山!(生日贺词)
There was a ~ of fever that year.那一年热病复发
3 (U)归还, 交还, 送还
on sale or ~‘商’以存货退还为条件
They are demanding the immediate ~ of the loan.他们要求立即归还贷款
4 (C)还礼, 答谢, 报答, 回报
the ~ of a salute答礼; 以礼炮答礼
a poor ~ for (one's) kindness辜负别人好意的行为, 以怨报德的行为
5(C)答覆, 回答
6 [常~s] 报酬, 赢利, 收益
Small profits and quick ~s.薄利多销(商店标语; 略作 S.P.Q.R.)
He got a good ~ on the investment.他在这项投资上获得丰厚的利润
7 a. (C)报告 (书) , 申报 (书)
a tax [an income tax] ~税 [所得税] 申报书
b. [常~s] 开票报告
election ~s选举开票报告
8(C)‘网球’ (球的) 击回 by return由原班邮递, 即刻地
Please send a reply by ~.请即 (由原班邮递) 回覆
in return (for ﹍)
以[为]报答, 以[为]回报, 以[为]抵消 [交换]
I gave her some flowers in ~ for her aid.我给她一些花以报答她的帮助
I want nothing in ~.我不要任何回报
the[a]point of no return → point形容词
1 a. 回程的, 归途的
a ~ journey归途; (旅行的) 回程
a ~ flight (飞机的) 回航
a ~ voyage返航
b. 归来的, 回来的
a ~ cargo载回来的货物
c. (英) < 票、票价> 来回的( (美)round-trip)(cf. single 6)
a ~ fare来回票价
The price is.£2 single and £3.80 ~.价格是单程两英镑, 双程三英镑八十便士
2 a. 回答的; 报答的, 回礼的, 答谢的
a ~ visit答访
b. 再度的, 雪耻的< 比赛等>
a ~ match [game]雪耻赛, 复仇赛




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