

词汇 tear
释义 tear[tɛr, tær; tɛə](tore[tor, tr; t:]; torn[torn, trn; t:n])及物动词
1 a. 撕裂, 扯破, 扯开 < 布、纸、衣服等> < up>
I've torn his letter.我不小心撕破了他的信
b. 故意地撕裂, 扯破, 扯开< up>
~ up a letter故意地撕破信
c. 将…撕裂[成…], 扯破, 撕破 [to, in, into]
The explosion tore the town to [in] pieces.那次爆炸事件把这城镇炸得七零八碎
Why have you torn it in two ?.你为什么把它撕成两半 ?
d. 将…撕裂< 成…的状态>
He tore the envelope open. = He tore open the envelope.他把那信封撕开
2 a. 使…裂开而受伤, 划破 [伤] , 刺破 [伤] , 戳破 [伤] , 抓破 [伤]
A piece of broken glass tore her skin.一块玻璃碎片划破了她的皮肤
I tore my knee on a nail.我被钉子刺伤了膝盖
b. [在…上]撕开 < 裂缝> , 划破< 洞> , 破[in]
She [The nail] tore a hole in her dress.她 [钉子] 把衣服破了一个洞
3 a. 扯开, 扯掉, 撕开, 撕掉, 剥掉
He tore off his clothes and jumped into the river to save the boy from drowning.他扯掉衣服, 跃入河中去拯救那溺水的男孩
He tore down the enemy's flag.他扯下了敌人的旗子
She tore the plant out of the ground.她把那植物从地上拔起
b. [~ oneself]忍痛离开, 挣开, 忍痛分手
I tore myself away from my wife.我忍痛和妻子分手
4 a. 使< 国家等> 分裂 < apart>
The country had been tornapart by civil war.该国因内战而动乱不安 [四分五裂]
b. 扰乱< 人、心> , 使…不安宁, 使…痛苦, 使…烦恼 < apart>
Her heart [She] was tornapart by grief [with conflicting emotions].她因悲伤 [心情矛盾] 而心烦意乱 [不安宁]
I was torn between the two alternatives.我面对两种选择进退维谷不知何去何从
1 裂开, 破裂
Lace ~s easily.花边容易破裂
The sheet tore as she pulled it out of the typewriter.当她把纸从打字机上抽出时, 它破了
2 撕扯, 撕破[…][at]
He tore at the wrappings of the package.他撕破包裹的包装纸
3 猛冲, 狂奔, 飞跑
The brothers were ~ing about in the house.那兄弟在屋子里到处横冲直撞著
A car came ~ing along.一辆汽车飞驰而来
4 猛烈地攻击; 谴责, 严厉批评[…][into] tear apart(2)(口语)严厉批评
(3)(口语)责骂< 人> tear down
拆除< 房屋等> , 扯下, 扯毁 tear off
(1)→ v.t. 3 a
(2)迅速处理掉, 办完< 工作等> ; 把…解决掉 That's torn it ! = That's done it !
1 (U)撕裂, 扯裂
→ WEAR and tear.
2 (C)裂缝; 破处, 破绽
3 (C)狂暴, 狂奔; 震怒
4 (C)(俚)闹饮




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