

词汇 sense
释义 sense[sɛns; sens]名词A
1 (C)感觉 (机能) [of]
the ~ of hearing听觉
the (five) ~s五官
→ sixth sense
2 (U) [又作a ~]
a. (漠然的) 感觉, 知觉[of]
a ~ of hunger [pain]饥饿感 [疼痛感]
a ~ of uneasiness [fulfilment]不安 [充实] 的感觉
b. 有…的感觉, 意识
He had a ~ that rain was coming.他觉得天快要下雨了
3 (U) [又作 a ~]
a. (对美、方向等本能的) 直觉, 感觉能力[of]
a ~ of beauty美感, 审美的眼光
a ~ of humor幽默感
I have a poor ~ of direction.我对方向的辨识力差
b. (理智上、道德上的) 感觉, 观念, 认识[of]
the moral ~道德观念
a ~ of guilt罪恶感
a ~ of honor荣誉感
his strong ~ of responsibility他强烈的责任感
4 [one's ~s] 神智, 理性
in one's right ~s神智清醒 [正常]
out of one's ~s神智不清 [失常]
be frightened out of one's ~s吓昏过去
bring a person to one's ~s使某人清醒, 醒悟
lose one's ~s昏厥, 发疯
recover one's ~s恢复知觉, 清醒过来
a. 思虑, 判断力, 辨别力, 见识
a man of ~有辨别力的人, 懂道理的人
→ common sense, horse sense
There's some ~ in what you say.你说的话有些道理
There's no ~ [No ~] (in) doing that. = It's no ~ doing that.做那样的事毫无意义
talk ~说有道理 [意义] 的话
b. 思虑, 判别力
She had the ~ to see that he was lying.她有判别力看穿他在撒谎
Didn't you have enough ~ to offer your seat to the old lady?.你难道不懂得让位给那位老妇人吗?
He has more ~ than to do that.他有见识不致于做那样的事
c. 意义, 价值, 合理性[of]
What is the ~ of waiting any longer?.再等下去有什么意思?(没有意思)
1 (C)
a. (文脉或辞典所下定义的) 意义, 字意 (→ meaning【同义字】)
in all ~s无论在哪一方面 [点]
in a narrow [broad] ~在狭 [广] 义上
He is a gentleman in no [every]~ of the word.无论在哪一方面, 他都不是 [是] 绅士
There is a ~ in which this applies to all cases.就某种意义来说, 这适用于一切情形
b. (说话者所指的) 意思, 意图, 旨趣
the ~ of a statement声明的意图 [旨趣]
You miss my ~.你没有领会我的意思(你误解了我的意思)
2 (U) (全体的) 意见, (多数人的) 意向
What was the ~ of the meeting?.那次集会大家的意向如何?
have (got) enough sense to come in from [out of] the rain [常用于否定句、疑问句] (口语)有判断力 [辨识力]
Don't leave it to him. He hasn't got enough ~ to come in from the rain.不要把它[事情]交给他, 他没有足够的判断力
in a [one, some] sense
就某种意义[方面]来说, 至某种程度为止, 有几分
What he says is true in a ~.他说的话有几分是真实的
in no sense
(无论就任何意义[方面]来说) 绝不是…
He is in no ~ normal.他绝不是正常的
make sense
(1) < 话、文句等> 构成意义, 有意义, 合理, 讲得通
This passage doesn't make ~.这一段 (文章) 不知所云 [意义不清]
(2)< 事情> 合道理的, 有意义的
Your decision makes ~.你的决定有道理
make sense (out) of﹍
I couldn't make ~ (out) of the situation.我不了解那情况
Can you make ~ of what he is saying?.你了解他在说什么吗?
1 a. 感觉到, 察觉
~ danger感到危险
b. 发觉, 察觉< …事>
He ~d that he was an unwelcome guest.他发觉自己是不受欢迎的客人
c. 感知, 察觉, 了解, 明白
I ~d what he was thinking.我察觉到 [了解] 他在想什么
d. 感到 < 某事、物> …
She ~d a flush rise to her cheeks.她感到一阵红晕泛上面颊
e. 感到 < 某事物> 在…
He ~d danger approaching.他感到危险渐近
2 (美)了解 < 意思等>
I cannot ~ your meaning.我不能领会你的意思
3 < 计量器> 测得…




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