

词汇 bear
释义 bear[bɛr; bɛə]《源自古英语“搬运”的意思》(bore[bor, br; b:]; borne[born, brn; b:n] born[born, brn; b:n]→ A 1 a)及物动词A
1 a. 生 < 儿女等>
She bore three children.她生了三个小孩
Cain was borne by Eve.该隐为夏娃所生
b. < 母亲> 与< 某人> 生< 小孩>
She has borne him three sons.她给他生了三个男孩
2 开< 花> ; 结 < 实>
This tree ~s fine apples.这棵树结了很好的苹果
These schemes bore fruit.这些计画产生了效果
3 生< 利息>
How much interest will the bonds ~?.这些公债会生多少的利息呢?
a. 具有, 带有 < 武器、标记、痕迹等>
~ arms → arm n. 成语
This letter ~s a British stamp.这封信贴著英国邮票
b. 记载有 < 日期、签名>
verse ~ing the signature of Trewe有特里威签名的诗
2 a. 把 < 憎恨、爱憎等> 怀 [记] [在心里] [in]
B~ in mind what I say.把我的话牢记在心
b. 使< 人> 心怀 < 怨恨、爱憎> ; 对[人]心怀 < 怨恨、爱憎> [against, for, toward]
She ~s me no grudge [ill will].她对我没有一点恶意
I ~ a grudge against him.我对他怀恨在心
She bore a secret love for him.她暗恋著他
I ~ no malice toward him.我对他毫无恶意
3 a. 保持著< 关系等>
~ some rela-tion [resemblance] to﹍和…多少有关系 [相似]
~ a part in something与某事有关系, 在某事中分担一份
b. 拥有 < 称号、名声等>
He ~s the name of John, the title of duke, and a reputation of courage.他名叫约翰, 拥有公爵的爵位和勇敢的声誉
c. < 矿石> 含有…
This ore ~s gold.这矿石含有金
4 a. 将 < 身体 (的一部分) > 保持 (某种姿势)
~ one's head high高抬起头
b. [~ oneself; 与状态副词 (片语) 连用] 举止, 处身
He bore himself well [with dignity].他举止高尚 [保持庄严的态度]
She ~s herself like a student.她举止有如一个学生
a. 将< 物> 传运[到…], 抬, 携带[to]; [乘著风等] 传运< 物> [on, upon]
~ one's bag (to the hotel)手拎提袋 (到旅馆)
A voice was borne to us on [upon] the wind.人的声音随风传来
b. 把 < 传说等> [对…]传开, 传递[to]
~ tales把传说传开
~ good news (to them) (给他们) 带来好消息
c. 把 < 证词, 援助等> 加诸[于…][to]; 提供 [对人不利的] < 证词> [against]
~ testimony (to﹍) (对…) 提供证词
~ false witness (against a person)做 (不利于他人的) 伪证
~ a hand帮助, 协助
6 支撑 < 重量、物体> < up>
The ice is thick enough to ~ your weight.这块冰厚得足以支撑你的重量
7 负担< 费用> ; 担负, 分担 < 义务、责任等>
Will you ~ the cost [responsibility]?.你愿意负担 [承担] 这个费用[责任]吗?
8 a. 忍耐, 忍受 < 痛苦、不幸等>
(→ endure 【同义字】)
~ pain忍痛
The doubt is more than I can ~.这种疑心使我难以忍受
I couldn't ~ the thought of being parted from him.一想到要与他分手我就受不了
→ GRIN and bear it.b. 忍耐< 做…>
I cannot ~ to see [seeing] the children going hungry.我不忍看见小孩们在挨饿
I cannot ~ to be [~ being] made a fool of.我无法忍受被人愚弄
c. 忍耐< 他人> < 做…> , 忍受
He said he could not ~ me to be unhappy.他说他不忍看到我不幸
9 a. 容许…, 可有…
The accident ~s two explanations.这意外事件可做两种解释
b. 适于 [经得起] < 做…> , 堪, 耐得住
This cloth will ~ washing.这种布料耐洗
The story does not ~ repeating.这个故事不堪重述
10 将…推 (往…) , 挤 (push)
The crowd was borne back(ward) by the police.人群被警察挤得往后退
1 a. 压迫[…][on, upon]
The tax ~s heavily on the poor.税捐沈重地压在穷人身上
b. (建筑物等) 施加压力, 安放重量 [于支撑物上] [against]
an arch ~ing against piers加压力于桥墩的桥拱
c. 依靠 [拐杖等] [on]
~ on one's crutch(es)依靠拐杖
2 有关系, 有影响 (relate) [on, upon]
His story does not ~ on the question.他的故事和这个问题无关
3 向 [某方向] , 转弯
The ship bore east.船向北行驶 [把行进路线转向东方]
When you come to the end of the street, ~ to the left.当你走到街道尽头时, 向左转
4 位于 (某方向)
The land bore due south of the ship.陆地在船的正南方
5 结果实
This tree ~s well.这棵树很会结果实
6 a. 忍耐, 忍受[…][with]
She bore with her noisy children.她忍受著吵闹的孩子们
B~ with me; I'm very tired.我很累, 请耐心等一会儿
b. (罕)支持, 耐, 支撑, 承载
The ice will not ~.这冰踩上去会破 [承受不住]
bear away
(1) 拿走; 赢得< 奖赏等>
~ away the prize获奖, 获胜
(2) 激< 人>
He was borne away by anger.他被激怒了
(3)‘航海’向顺风方向; 启帆, 离去 bear down
(1) 压制< 敌人等>
(2) (于议论) 打败< 对方>
(3) 勤奋, 非常努力
(4) (女性生产时) 使劲, 用力 bear down on[upon]﹍
(1) (由上) 压…, 按
~ down on one's pencil用力按著铅笔写
(2) < 敌人、灾患等> 向…逼迫
(3) < 船、车等> 向…逼进 [逼近]
(4) < 责任、税捐等> 压在…上
(5) 处罚, 责骂< 人>
Don't ~ down so heavily on him.不要把他骂得这么厉害
bear off
(1) = BEAR away (1)
(2)‘航海’远离; 出发 bear out
支持< 人> 的说法 (等) ; 证实, 支持 < 所说的话、理论等>
What she said ~s out my assumption.她所说的证实了我的假定
bear up
(1) → v.t. B 6
(2) 振奋, 不颓丧, 鼓起勇气
He bore up under the misfortune.他在不幸中仍奋发图强
B~ up!.振作起来!
(3) (不折断而) 支撑著, 承载
The bridge bore up under the strain.桥支撑住 [经得住] 那重压
be borne in upon[on]﹍
< 某事> 逐渐被…确信 [瞭解] , 悟…
It was borne in upon me that﹍. 我逐渐确信…
bring to bear
把 < 炮火、精力等> 集中 [于…之上] , 施加 < 压力等> [on, upon]
We brought all our energies to ~ upon the work.我们把全部精力集中在工作上




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