

词汇 be
释义 be[(轻读)bɪ; bi; (重读)bi; bi:]《字形有变化的 am, is, are; was, were 源自别的字源》不及物动词A
a. 为< …> , 是< …>
He is a good doctor.他是一位好医师
Twice two is four.二乘二是[为]四
It's me.是我
(→ I pron. {比较})
That's what I wanted to say.那正是我想要说的话
How are you?.你好吗?
I am quite well [in good health].我很好
The situation is of utmost importance.情况至为重要
We are the same age.我们是同年纪
The house was on fire [in flames].那房屋著火了
b. 就是< 做…>
To live is to fight.人生就是战斗(人生如战场)
c. 就是< …>
Seeing is believing.(谚)“百闻不如一见”, “眼见为信”
d. 就是< …>
The trouble is that she does not like it.问题是 [困难在于] 她不喜欢它
e. 是 < 何…>
What matters is how they live.问题是他们如何生活
The question is not what to do but how to do it.问题不是该做什么, 而是该如何去做
2 a. 在 < 何处> ; 是 < 什么时候>
" Where is Tokyo ?" -" It is in Japan." .“东京在那里?”“在日本”
" When is your birthday ?" -" It is on the 5th of July." .“你的生日是什么时候?”“是七月五日”
b. 是 < 为了做…> , 是 < 为做…者>
This medal is to honor the winner.这个奖牌是为了表扬胜利者
This is to certify that.﹍.兹证明…
3 a. [用以替代未来式] 将成为< …>
Come back before it is dark.在天黑前要回来
I'll go if it is fine tomorrow.假如明天天气好我会去
b. < 人> 须花费 (时间) (→ B 1 b)
What a (long) time they are!.他们实在费时太久了, 慢吞吞的!
4 a. [there is[are]﹍] 有…
(→ there B 1)
There is a pencel [are two books] on the desk.在桌子上有一支笔 [有二本书]
b. (文语)存在, 生存, 留存 (exist)
God is.上帝存在
Troy is no more.特洛伊现已不存在
I think, therefore I am.我思, 故我在
c. 发生 (→ B 1 c)
The exam was last week.考试在上周 (举行)
a. 将成为< …> (→ A 3 a; become {语法} (2)
He will be a scientist.他将成为科学家
It will be dark before long.不久天将变黑 (暗)
b. [表未来] < 人> 将 (可能) 花费 (时间) (→ A 3 b)
Will you be long?.你要花很长的时间吗?
c. [表未来] 将发生, 将举行 (→ A 4 c)
When will the wedding be?.婚礼将在什么时候举行?
d. 为< …>
That may be wrong.那可能是错的
e. 存在
Can such things be?.会有这种事吗?
2 [不定词时]
a. 为< …>
Let it be so!.但愿如此
b. 照原来的状态而存在, 持续, 停留
Let him [it] be.让他 [它] 继续那样吧
c. (文语)存在, 生存, 留存 (→ A 4 b)
To be, or not to be : that is the question.活下去或一死了之呢 - 这便是要考虑的问题
3 [用祈使语气]要< …>
Be kind to old people.对老年人要亲切 [有礼貌]
So be it! = Be it so!.但愿如此
Do be quiet!.请安静!
Don't be silly!.别做傻事 [说傻话]
4 a. 用于条件子句(文语.古)
If it be fine.﹍.假如好天气的话…
→ if NEED be
Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home.不论家是多么简陋, 没有地方比得上它
Be that as it may, ﹍.即使是如此…, 尽管那样…
Be the matter what it may, ﹍.不管事情会怎样…
b. 用于that 子句中
I demanded that he be present.我要求他出席
Resolved (=It has been resolved) that our salary be raised.兹决议, 吾等薪资应予提升
1 构成被动语态或状态之完成
This magazine is published twice a month.本杂志每月发行两次
Grammar be hanged!.该死的文法!
He is known as a leading poet.他以第一流的诗人而闻名 [而著称]
2 be+doing; 构成进行
a. 正在做…, 正在…中
She is writing now.她现在正在写字
b. 常带责难之意] 老是 [一天到晚] 在做…
He is always smoking.他一天到晚吸烟
c. 想要做…, 正在著手做…
He is coming to see us this morning.他今晨要来看我们
I must be going.我必须走了
→ be GOing to do.d. [be 动词构成进行式] 正在做… (的时候)
" Be serious !" -" I am being serious." .“要认真!”“我 (是很) 认真啊”
You are being too kind to him, aren't you?.你对他太客气了吧?
3 [be+to do]
a. 将要做…, 预定做…
We are to meet at 5.我们预定在五点钟见面
He was to have arrived at 5.他原定在五点钟到达 (但还没有到)
b. 有义务做…, 必须做…
I am to inform you that.﹍.我谨通知你…
You are not to speak in this room.你不可以在这个房间里说话
c. 可以做…
No one was to be seen.一个人都看不见
d. 注定…
He was never to see his home again.他 (那时候就) 注定再也见不到他的家乡了
4 [were+to do; 表示不可能实现的假设] 万一…
If I were to die [Were I to die] tomorrow, what would my children do?.万一我明天死了, 我的孩子们将怎么办呢?
5 [be+不及物动词的过去分词构成完成式] 已…
Winter is gone.冬天已过
(cf. He has gone out.他已出去)
Be gone!.滚开!走开!




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