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face[fes; feis]《源自拉丁文“外形, 样子”的意思》名词1 (C)脸(指下巴 ( chin) 到头发的头部 ( head) 的前面部分; 包括眼睛 (eye) , 鼻子 (nose) , 嘴 (mouth) , 颊 (cheek) 等, 但不包括耳朵 (ears) , 太阳穴 (temple) )a broad [pinched] ~宽阔的 [憔悴的] 脸→ look a person in the FACEShe got red in the ~.她脸红了 【同义字】■ countenance 流露出感情的脸■ feature 眼、耳、鼻、嘴等容貌 2 (C)a. 脸色; 表情a happy ~愉快的 [幸福的] 表情pull [make, wear] a long ~拉长脸, 板著脸→ make a FACE [FACEs]b. [常 ~s]愁容, 苦脸3 (C)a. (东西的) 表面b. (货币、奖章等的) 表面c. 钟面, 表面d. (建筑物等的) 正面4 (C)a. (文件的) 字面(未经解释或未添加意义的)on [upon] the ~ of the document在文件的字面上b. (股票等的) 票面, 面额(cf. face value)c. (纸牌的) 面(印有画、号码的一面)lie on its ~ < 牌面> 朝下放5(C)a. (器具等的) 使用面b. (锤、高尔夫球杆的) 敲击面 (→ golf club)6(C)外表, 外观, 表面That puts a new ~ on things.那使事态的局面焕然一新→ put a bold FACE on, put a good FACE on.7(U)[the ~](口语)厚著脸皮< 做…> How can you have the ~ to say that?.你怎么有脸那样说?《源自中文》8(U) 面子, 尊严■ lose ~ 失去面子 [尊严] , 丢脸■ save (one's) ~挽回面子, 保全面子9(C)‘矿’采掘面(矿石、煤矿的开采处)10(C)‘印刷’ (活字的) 字面, 版面■ face down(1) 脸朝下地lie ~ down (脸朝下地) 趴著(2) 表面朝下地lay one's cards ~ down on the table将纸牌牌面朝下放在桌上■ face on面对著, 脸朝下■ face to face(1) 面对面; 面对[某人][with](2) 面临 [危险、死亡等] [with]I came ~ to ~ with disaster.我面临灾难■ face up(1) 头抬起地(2) 面朝上地■ fall (flat) on one's face(1)< 人> 直挺挺地倒下(2)< 计画等> (彻底地) 失败, 不顺利■ have two faces表里不一致, 怀二心; < 说话> 模棱两可Don't trust him; he has two ~s.不要相信他, 他表里不一致■ in a person's face当某人的面, 公然He will laugh in your ~.他会当著你的面笑■ in one's face正对著, 迎面have the wind in one's ~正对著风, 逆风■ in the face of(1) 面临, 面对He became brave in the ~ of danger.他临危不惧(2) 不顾…, 尽管…in the ~ of the world公然, 在众目睽睽下in the (very) ~ of day [the sun]光天化日之下, 公然(3) 想到…In the ~ of the evidence, you cannot deny it.证据摆在你面前, 你无法否认它■ keep one's face straightkeep a straight face 板著面孔, (忍住) 不露笑容■ look a person in the face=look in a person's face (问心无愧地) 正视某人He was unable to look me in the ~.他不敢正视我■ make a face [faces] [对著…] 皱眉头, 做出厌恶的表情, 做鬼脸[at]■ on the face of it[things]乍见之下, 表面上■ pull a face [faces]= make a FACE■ put a bold face on﹍对…装作若无其事, 对…装作满不在乎 [很有信心]■ put a good face on﹍对…装出满意[高兴]的表情He put as good a ~ on things as circumstances permitted.只要情况许可, 他对事情都装出满意的表情■ put one's face on< 女子> 化妆■ set one's face against﹍坚决反抗[反对]…■ show one's face露面, 出现He hasn't shown his ~ yet this morning.他今天早上还没有露面 [出现]■ to a person's face 当著某人的面, 公然■ accuse a person to his ~ 当面非难某人■ turn face about(1) 背转过去, 调转方向(2) [关于态度、政策、方针等] 采取与以往相反的立场[on]He's turned ~ about on the issue.他对该问题完全改变了态度及物动词1 a. < 东西> 面对著, 朝向The building ~s the square.那栋建筑物面对著广场b. < 人> 面向, 脸朝向They ~d each other.他们面对面2 对抗, 勇敢地面对 < 危险、灾难等> → face the MUSIC.3 a. 面对, 正视< 事实等> ~ the stark reality正视赤裸裸的现实b. < 困难、问题等> 逼近< 某人> 使…面临A crisis was facing him.危机正逼近他 [他面临著危机]be ~d with [by] a problem面临问题We are ~d with imminent bankruptcy.我们面临著逼近的倒闭4 a. 涂< 墙壁等> b. [用…]铺在…[with]a wooden house ~d with brick外表覆砖的木屋5 a. 镶 < 衣> 边b. [用…]镶边于< 衣服等> [with]a coat ~d with silk镶有丝绸边的上衣不及物动词1 a. < 建筑物> 朝 (某方向) , 面向" Which way does his house ~ ?" " It ~s north [to [toward] the north].“他的房子朝向何方?”“朝北”b. < 建筑物> 面向[…][on, onto]The shrine ~s on [onto] the street.那座庙面向街道2 ‘军’改变方向About ~!.向后转!Left [Right] ~!.向左[右]转!■ face a person down气势汹汹地恐吓 [威压] < 某人> ■ face it面对现实; 说 实在的■ face it out 坚持到底; 大胆地应付事情He ~d it out against the strikers.他大胆地反对罢工者■ face out大胆地应付< 事情> ; 面对< 事情> ■ face up to﹍从正面逼近…; 面对, 正视 < 事实、事情等> You've got to ~ up to your responsibilities.你必须坚毅地承担自己的职责 |